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Thredbo bring out a counter offer. Its pretty good


Thing is though, this sort of deal is only good for people who do more than a week of riding a year.

There is a vast majority of people/families out there who only do one week a year and this won’t do anything for them. Once you add up everything associated with 5-7 days in the snow locally it’s still better value to go to NZ. That sector of people will be the hardest people to win back for the resorts - they come for a week, get lessons, lift passes, accom, spend big etc as it’s their one week a year for a holiday and the appeal of going overseas is far greater than paying the money it costs to go locally.


I see Thredbo’s offer as a bit of a slap in the face for people who’ve already shelled out the big bucks for a 2011 Platinum Pass. They’re now offering what we’ve already paid MUCH more for (2011/2012 Summer access) at a massively discounted price.


Just asked on fbook, the deal is available until Oct 10!!

I’ll be buying it on Sun 11th for the shred. Instead of $400 for 6.5 days, it will be $700 for the week and all next year. A no brainer. This is so cool smile

chucky - 06 September 2011 01:24 AM

I see Thredbo’s offer as a bit of a slap in the face for people who’ve already shelled out the big bucks for a 2011 Platinum Pass. They’re now offering what we’ve already paid MUCH more for (2011/2012 Summer access) at a massively discounted price.

That is very true. I was spewing I didn’t get a platinum pass and rather have spent $700 for 7 days riding over the last few weeks. This new pass makes up for it easily though.


Man all these good deals are driving me insane! I am trying to save up for the US!!! I really want to get us one but 1. Don’t know if we can afford it and 2. Dont know if I want Thredbo or Perisher!!!


Shreds at Perisher wink


I know but hubby hates Perisher!

blizzard_22 - 06 September 2011 02:44 AM

I know but hubby hates Perisher!

I know how that is! My sister and hubby refuse to ski with me at Perisher even if I gave them free tix.

I don’t understand the hate.

They both have good and bad points. (all resorts do!)


Yea, I like both mountains for different reasons. I think the only mountain I have really disliked was Coronet Peaks as it was really icey and packed with punters.

I have a mild dislike for Thredbo for the low number of groomed runs (when riding with not so experienced mates) and the high chance of ice as soon as you come back from lunch :(

TJswish - 06 September 2011 03:18 AM

. . . the only mountain I have really disliked was Coronet Peaks as it was really icey and packed with punters.

I’ve have heaps of awesome days at CP - I love the place. I genuinely can’t think of the last time I had a bad day there.

By comparison, I’d say for this entire season at Thredbo, the percentage of time I’ve actually been able to hit the spots I really wanted to ride is under 5%! To say I’m “disappointed” doesn’t even come close.


Have to agree about CP… (although I had some great runs off the backside), it gets the shadow so early, no park to speak of, steep and mogul like a lot of the time and lots of people. having said that, i probably don’t know the spots to go


He isn’t a fan because (and I agree) that some of their green runs certainly are not that at all!!! We both hate the way front valley ‘steps’ down. The run Goat’s Gully coming down from Mid Station is also very steep in sections and shouldn’t be green at all. Yet Pleasant Valley is perfect green and same with the runs at Smiggins Holes. I don’t get it!

Thredbo though is awesome, the Village Trail down from Eagles Nest is so much fun and a perfect gradient!



Are you saying Perisher’s “green” runs are too steep to be labelled “green” or too flat?


Some of them are too steep.


i dont know, my missus is a learner and seemed to be able to handle them all. and she is far from proficient, she might not have gone on the ones you are talking about maybe…

if falls/hotham do a similar deal like the thredders/perisher i am in like motherf#*king flynn