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Dirty Base


hi, my 3 day old board now has a brown tinge from the spring dirty snow today. What cleaning fluids can people recommend? I’ve heard wax solvent style cleaners are very harsh and considering it was clean when i waxed it last night, i’m not sure they would be necessary. I only want to get the dirt out, i don’t need to strip all the wax out too surely…? Thanks!


A light buff with scotch brite, and then a re-wax!!!!!

Or alternatively give it a run over with the hot iron and scrape as ya go!!!!! Then a re-wax!!!!!


Like Mr Mizu over there said hot scrape that shit.


you could just ignore it if you’re going riding again soon


Hot scrape. It cleans out the pores of your base. Wax as usual but scrape immediately while it’s still hot.

You can also use generic citric based cleaners.


Thanks for the tips smile

I hot scraped it last night and then waxed it, but i found it hard to get all the dirt out. It’d streak when you scraped it, and some of the dirt just wouldn’t come out.

Are there any special tricks or techniques to hot scraping?

Oh, the base colour is fluro green, so i spose it shows up dirt a lot, especially compared to my last board with its black and grey base. Still want to keep it clean, and make it last as long as i can.

I don’t have any citrus cleaner on hand at the moment but i could get some. Do those cleaners harm the base in any way, like a wax solvent would? How should they be applied, straight/diluted, with a cloth, and washed off with water??? What actual products can people recommend?


What’s the problem? I love dirty bass!
Oh wait… what are we talking about?



Did ya have the iron in one hand, the scraper in the other and the follow directly behind the iron with it???

Ya have to get it before it starts to harden again!!!!

Citrus based cleaners are used cause solvent based ones will wreck ya board!!!!

Can’t remember the name, but ya can get it at Bunnos pretty cheap!!!! Spray it on, wipe it in and then wash it off with dish washing detergent and warm water!!!! Do this twice, rise it thoroughly with clean water, and then let the board completly dry for a day or two before waxin!!!!


hi Dropbear
Like what everyone has said, it is it the wax. I might suggest to keep riding with what you have done until it need a new wax. Then give it a good going over but I wouldn’t apply any type of solvent. It should wear away. If your worry about . Get the pro to do it because if they stuff it they should replace it.


Base cleaner isn’t going to damage your base if you use it once in a while. If your base is super dirty and a hot scrape won’t fix it, give it a proper clean. Base cleaner isn’t going to damage your base; it will dry out your base but you’re going to give it a good wax straight after anyway. Using base cleaner once or twice a season is fine, in my opinion. Get a quality brand base cleaner like Swix.


And if ya a bit hesitant to play around with ya new board, try it out on an old one first until ya get the confidence to do it with ya new stick!!!!!

Or even better, just do it to one of ya mates boards!!!!! If it goes wrong then just blame rider26!!!!! Easy!!!!!  smirk


Yeah, yeah…  LOL

Just dab a little bit onto a rag and rub thoroughly. Re-dab as the rag dries out. Don’t use too much and you will be fine. Give a nice, thick coat of wax afterwards. rider26 guarantee. wink


I use plenty, and then wash with a dish washin detergent and warm water, then flush with clean water!!!!!



Oh yeah, if followed correctly that one has the “Mizu Seal Of Approval”!!!!! Guaranteed in 17 countries around the globe!!!!!

Andy Aitken - 26 August 2011 01:48 PM

What’s the problem? I love dirty bass!
Oh wait… what are we talking about?


I award you full points!!

Mizu Kuma - 31 August 2011 02:04 AM

Oh yeah, if followed correctly that one has the “Mizu Seal Of Approval”!!!!! Guaranteed in 17 countries around the globe!!!!!

ill give this seal of approval my thumbs up, mizu taught me how 2 wax and clean wink