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help please…needed urgent!

hey fellas i have alot of trouble with my tricks it’s just annoying me ive been skating for a year and I’m shit i can’t do anything new all i can do is ollie, nollie, pop shuv, and a few little park tricks my problem is i don’t jump when i pop but i can’t fix it?...please can i have some tips I’m thinking of giving up it’s getting that bad but i really don’t want to help please?? :(


Hey jonah,

Welcome to Boardworld. smile

Sorry to hear you’re so frustrated with your skating. Skateboarding is a hard sport and unless you’re freakishly talented, like some people are, progression is slow and takes time and dedication. It sounds like you’re already got a few tricks down, so pat yourself on the back for that. That’s really not bad for having only skated for a year.

As a starting point, have a look at the trick tip section on the website: (start there and work your way down). You might find some helpful tips to get you motivated again.

I think it’s important to work on fundamental skills until they are super solid, before trying to learn new tricks. If your foundation is solid, then you will be able to learn new tricks easier. It sounds to me like you could do with working on your ollie a bit more, since you’re not getting much height, if I understand correctly?

Watch the trick tip below as Mitch explains how to progress and get more height with your ollies.

Also if you have any questions for Mitch, you can find his thread here:

Best of luck, and if you have any questions let us know.


hi jonah.

first of all before you speak those words of giving up ! think about it alot.
skateboarding has made my life amazing. there is 2 things in my life that blows the water of anything else cooking and skateboarding.
its to good to let go.

now for how to change things….first of all watching youtube is not reality skateboarding takes time and effort.
you may see all these amazing tricks all the time on youtube and think well i should now just skate like that!!!!
it does not work that way.

you need time and effort to be a good skateboarder.
take a fresh look at your skateboard. and just have fun with it enjoy your nollies and shuvs than start doing nollie shuv and back 180.
start small building your tricks.

you have to crawl before you walk!!!
good luck


hey yea’ i can ollie 2 decks but thanks guys means alot
we can always hope smile


Hey Jonah, don’t worry I have been skating for a real long time and I struggle with tricks all the time. Skating is all about having fun and not about all the tricks you can land. The more time you spend on your board though the more confidence you will build and the more tricks you start to get the hang of.
I find if I am not skating good and just plain not landing anything, I go for a cruise. Rolling around is amazing and has such a feeling of freedom. Just rolling around and olling up and down things is awesome. Remember to look back at the things you couldn’t do and can now do as well and realise your progress.
As Mitch said it is about time and effort. Some people are naturals and others are presistant. Reason why I have stuck with skating is because it is challenging and when you achieve it is rewarding.


Hey Jonah, I too am a struggling skater smile

You’re better than me but I have only been skating for a month or so. I’ve kinda got my ollies down but I can’t ollie that high, I don’t know any other tricks but I am practicing kickflips. Instead of watching videos on the internet, they may be good but they are never as good as getting on your board and getting to know it. Skate, skate and skate! I love skateboarding!

What I do to get more motivated is watch some simple skate videos to get myself hyped up then I go outside and practice. Another good way is to record yourself when you do a trick so you can see what you are doing wrong and hopefully correct it.

Just have fun with what skills you have now and variate them it seems like it is getting too boring. Maybe try something a little harder?
Trust me, I would kill to be able to nollie or pop shove, let alone skate in a park.


I know this is going to sound stupid but you are wearing skate shoes right? Because when I first got my board I tried to Ollie with running shoes and it doesn’t work. But yeah just watch Mitch’s video on ollieing and you should be ok.