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Batman V’s Superman

Poll: So which one is it to be........
Total Votes: 18
Batman, the caped crusader????
Superman, the man of steel????

Brought about by some banter from another thread,

Who would ya rather be and why????


Batman, Superman has too many powers that if/when he failed, it would be much more embarrassing.


super powers > guy in a cape with gadgets


and who doesnt want to wear undies on the outside! tongue laugh


Superman = X Ray vision cool smile


Mmmmm Superman, those abs of steel!!

ETA: Obviously I don’t want to be Superman but do other things grin


like there is choice. it would be batman.

rich as f@&k, suave, sophisticated and b!tches love him. oh and cool toys


Batman my favorite superhero ever.


Batman has to catch the batcopter, after drivin the batmobile, so he can get to the batchalet in order to ride his batboard!!!!!

Superman can just fly there with his board under his arm!!!!! Hell yeah!!!!!

Plus his olds used to live in Alaska!!!!! (Or somethin like that anyway!!!!!)


Nana nana Nana nana,
Nana nana Nana nana…

superman is a nerd
and to much of a loner

Sure he can fly and can’t get hurt, but I’d rather be a man than a god, and a rich man with cave full of toys.
Iron Man is a premium mix of both.


Superman can fly! He can travel across the world in a split second. He can cool temperatures with his breath and heat things up with his eyes. not to mention the X-ray vision and super human strength. I love Batman as much as the next guy, but seriously, how is this a contest?


BATMAN! No Question!
For 2 reasons

1: Superman is a lame attempt at a super hero, yep, i said it, and I can’t be the only person thinking that. Super heros are far fetched but at least explained in a kinda almost plausible way. But Superman??? Oh he has about 100 super powers. How did he get them? .... Um… he’s from a different planet…. stop asking questions.
Batman doesn’t even have super powers, he stops crime just by being a bad ass! That’s a hero!

2: If you were superman no one would snowboard with you. Your playing a game of ‘In Your Face’ with your friends and you start to lose so what do u do?
100 Backflips I win. That’s cheating Superman, not cool.
Let’s go shred with Batman wink


Andy, you’re not thinking the right way! Of course peeps would want to shred with Superman.

Consider the following scenarios…

No need to spend money on lift passes or heli rides as your mate could get you up the mountain at the blink of an eye. Freshies all day long, son! No hiking!

Build a backcountry booter? Sit back and relax while superman builds a super booter in no time at all.

Want to build a backyard jib? No snow? All good, Superman just breathes and creates a tonne of snow.

Oh shit, what’s over the side of that cliff? Superman will go scope it out.

Ever want to try triple corks off a 100 footer? Who needs an airbag? Superman will swoop down and catch you before you hit the ground.

Tell me you would want to be my friend if I was Superman…  smirk


+ Batman has the kryptonite to stop Superman (at least in the comics he does). Batman literally makes himself a hero from nothing. From a kid who’s scared at bats, having his parents killed, to a strong motherfucker, wealthy, insane tech and gadgets, stopping all sorts of villain. Batman > Superman.


But Superman can crush Batman and his gadgets like a bug!!!!! (Not that he would, cause he is just a Super guy!!!!!)

Superman > Batman


Superman would win because he actually has powers and Batman is just rich and can afford gadgets, leather outfits and scooters.