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Where’s Spaz??




Hahaha, spying on the little kiddys at the playground??

amakat - 12 August 2011 07:13 AM

Hahaha, spying on the little kiddys at the playground??

I had no idea what you where talking about amakat then realised it’s in reference to rider’s photo.

Be more carful of the guy that lives next to the playground, who owns the crazy dog and gives gifts to people in dark parking lots.


Hey Spaz.

A bit of topic…but probably best to get it off the above wink

Is there a dedicated thread some where for the Best BWM top to bottom run that you have up in the shred thread? Its a sick idea! I’m def having a crack! Im still hoping to make the shred (depending on soccer) at the last minute and having a crack there but still wont to get some runs into it even if I cant make that. was going to post one or two but thought the Shred thread wasnt the place and couldnt find a thread about it anywhere else!

spaz - 12 August 2011 10:48 PM

Be more carful of the guy that lives next to the playground, who owns the crazy dog and gives gifts to people in dark parking lots.

Hahaha that’s me!  LOL


Hmm we seem to have lost him again!

Come out come out where ever you are!


Check the playgrounds!!
Just kidding smile



TJ, should be able to find him????

ozgirl - 23 August 2011 05:43 AM

Hmm we seem to have lost him again!

Come out come out where ever you are!

He is probably recovering after one hell of an epic wknd.


Shredding in the sunshine and loving it!!!!!!

Dan83 helped me through a 5 day binge. Recovering by snowboarding.

Worked last night and tonight delving pizza, I’m at work now waiting for the phone to ring or dishes to wash.
Its been very quite on and off the hill.

Videos to come.


Ah thats spaz.

To be honest when i drove passed the accident on Sunday night and saw the van I did stress out for a moment!!

Glad to ‘hear’ from you grin


Delving pizza wtf?! LOL tongue laugh


He’s got another business in the pipeline, blizz!!!!! A doco called PizzaCam, Life of a Pepperazzi!!!!!


LOL @ Mizu

Pizza delivery in thredbo is a specialised job that only a few people can do. 90% of the village does not have street addresses - I still have trouble with places even after living here for so many years!! Plus it’s only a few hours 2 nights a week and provides a feed and leftover pizza the next day.

The other nights I usually work as a waiter at Santes and on occasion at Knickerbocker.

Often after work I take my position keeping barstools warm, singing Ullroke and keeping the locals company.


I want some pizza now! Spaz, you keen to deliver all the way to Darwin?