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WHY?  ~The Philosophy thread~

spaz - 02 July 2011 12:58 PM

Surely the killing happens because we don’t ask the question.

or another way is that we don’t like the answers


Soceities perception’s are often shaped by minorities.  Politicians, journalists, celebraties, scientists or other prominent people for example.  These people however come from the right hand side of the bell curve or to put it another way are generally smarter, more concientious and/or more ambitious.  This is generally good for society as better decisions get made which everyone benifits from.  Stem cell research is an example of this, it’s not popular in the US if you poll the whole population but if you consulted only the minorities independent of political considerations they’d be very much in favour.


Re Spaz’ first point which had existentialism as it’s core premise, I can confirm that it is indeed possible that the universe as we know it and we perceive to have three dimensions could actually exist on the wall or bubble on the inside of a black hole see ==>

Another conjecture is that our universe exists along side an infinite number of universes that flow and ebb in hyper-space on 2 dimensional membranes or ‘branes’ for short. It has been suggested that the big-bang happened as a result of a collision between two of these ‘branes’.

Who knows what the nature of our experience is? I ride therefore I am!



I don’t ask questions, I am therefore I ride!!!!!

spaz - 02 July 2011 12:58 PM

Surely the killing happens because we don’t ask the question.

The will of life is to reproduce and spread MY genes.
So the simplest conclusion would be to kill as many of my rivals (every man I come across) and screw all the women I meet as many times as I can before a stronger rival kills me - best case is the stronger rival is one of my sons.

Keep it moving to the left Mizu!

By not being simple I realise the destructive nature of this conquest.

I disagree with Aidy’s concept of “technically” maybe you meant ‘Statistically’.
I feel fortunate that I gave that life cycle thought at a young age (10yo), listened to lyrics of angst rock and decided at high school to “retire” before I started in the workforce. I want to have fun while I can remember and my bladder is still good.
I may not contribute to the “greater good” but (like asking if god exists) what does it matter? - I’m not a cow, I’m human and have the ability to dream and make my dream live.

I think ‘life’ is a bit bigger than just the infinitesimal experience of the average human life. I actually think life has a grander plan than that. There is possibly many millions of planets in the universe that could sustain (to us) bizarre and exotic life-forms and that’s just the carbon based forms. There could possibly be silicon based life-forms somewhere amongst the trillions of stars in the known universe.

The point of philosophizing about stuff like this is it makes us appreciate things other than our daily grind. I think we do exist and we are actually just a cool way of the universe to get to know itself.



Ohhh man, don’t go readin Aidy’s COW V’s HUMAN Thread!!!!!!  grrr

Mizu Kuma - 19 August 2011 09:56 AM

Ohhh man, don’t go readin Aidy’s COW V’s HUMAN Thread!!!!!!  grrr

Hmm now where did I see that thread.


MoonUnit - 19 August 2011 10:00 AM
Mizu Kuma - 19 August 2011 09:56 AM

Ohhh man, don’t go readin Aidy’s COW V’s HUMAN Thread!!!!!!  grrr

Hmm now where did I see that thread.


No seriously…where is that thread?


Mizu Kuma - 19 August 2011 10:26 AM

Here we go!!!!!

You’re right I shouldn’t go there!



HEAVY, hey!!!!!  gulp

Mizu Kuma - 19 August 2011 11:17 AM

HEAVY, hey!!!!!  gulp

I’ll take human any day, but the thought of being ‘milked’ every day is strangely compelling. I will think on this a while.



Reignite the debate, MU!!!!!! Go on, spark it up again for old time sake!!!!!  LOL


oh dear I have had too much bubbles to even process this thread….


Could possibly be an advantage Ozzy