The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
Nice cords!!! I wish today was over already, hanging for the weekend and to get out and do some photography tomoz!
2,000 new stickers just showed up on my doorstep.
So… sticker contest should be up and running by the end of today (or Monday at the latest). We are keeping this contest for members only. We will be starting a new thread in the contest section but not promoting it in any way.
thats the ad. only pic I’ve got so far. Hope it meets your approval, TJ
but seriously, with 12mths rego on it (worth pretty much $1000) we’re pretty much getting it for 1500…which is a massive bargain…thats how i see it, anyway!
Oh and thanks mizu, but freddy will maintain himself (oil changes n simple stuff) and failing that, we live across the road from an excellent mechanic!
School kids here just left for their snow trip. This is the first weekend in 5 that I won’t be at the snow. I was seriously getting crazy jealousy attacks…not helping that was that they had a teacher going, who was wearing high heeled boots and said she’d never been to the snow and hates the cold?!?! flkdsjgldsjglkdsjgkldsgjkl
woohoo I won the 3CS socks on fb!
Good stuff CRACKERS!!!!!
2,000 new stickers just showed up on my doorstep.
So… sticker contest should be up and running by the end of today (or Monday at the latest). We are keeping this contest for members only. We will be starting a new thread in the contest section but not promoting it in any way.
I was so certain I had a winner for the sticker contest last season. (even though it wouldn’t have paid off in time)
Last season when I was up at Perisher, these 2 girls came running up to me and my brother’s missus as we were getting off the lift at Mid-Station. They liked the colours we were wearing (and probably my good looks ), and asked us if we would do a photo shoot with them. The photos were to go in this season’s resort guide/brochure thingy.
They asked us to sit at a table and drink hot chocolates while they snapped away. Just before we started shooting I realised it was a good chance to try and plug BW, so I suggested we lean our boards against the tree behind us, which they thought was a great idea!
So I leaned my board up against the tree behind me, and I positioned it so that the BW sticker I have on the nose was just above my shoulder. They snapped away for a bit, and told us they liked what they had, and they’d almost definitely use them for the brochure/guide thingy.
I thought I was going to get the BW sticker plastered in a few thousand prints as well as the pdf you can download off the website.
Anyway, the thing came online about 6 months ago, and I downloaded it straight away thinking I was about to see my mug with the BW sticker somewhere in the pages, but it was nowhere to be seen.
I guess my good looks just didn’t suit the brochure. Made it look too much like a Hugo Boss catalogue or something.
Did ya wallets go missin sometime around this point in time????
Hahaha that’s good, Tills. Nice one too, Mizu.
Yay for stickers LOL I got heaps of stickers with my Chemical Storm hoodie too, they are awesome!
2,000 new stickers just showed up on my doorstep.
So… sticker contest should be up and running by the end of today (or Monday at the latest). We are keeping this contest for members only. We will be starting a new thread in the contest section but not promoting it in any way.
Given that there are about 50 participatin members around the forums…......
Can I have the other 1950 stickers please????
I would be thinking if Billy ain’t come good by the shred, we cover her in 1950 BW stickers and slide her down the super trail
I would be thinking if Billy ain’t come good by the shred, we cover her in 1950 BW stickers and slide her down the super trail
It’s a Done Deal!!!!!
Your a thinkin man, Azz!!!!!
Alright, I’m off. Have a good weekend, everyone!
The weather is horrible here and the local skate contest has been cancelled.
Have a great w/e regardless, Jez!!!!!
I’M BACK!!! Did ya miss me? hey hey? Only back for the night, buller bound for a week of shit snow and 10000 people :( Will try to get on here while I can. You lot have been busy, 78 new updated and new topics to go through