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Vancouver / Whistler 2010 Winter Olympics BLOG by L.B.


Hey everyone,

Well its that time of year that I normally would be injured and out for part of my Northern season, but because i’ve been in Sydney for the past year I’m injury free and ready to head back to Vancouver / Whistler for the 2010 Winter Olympics. I’m lucky enough to have someone who I have looked up to since the first time I put on a snowboard competing in the games.. So I’m getting on a jet plane and heading over to film, shoot and report on the in’s and out’s of the games.

This will be my BLOG so make sure you keep coming back to watch, listen, look and read about my adventure as “Boardworld Reporter” for the Vancouver / Whistler 2010 Winter Olympics.

I’m super excited and ready for an experience I will never forget.




Looking forward to your ‘on the ground’ reports, have fun !!!!


This is going to be awesome! Can’t wait to hear from you L.B.


Great! Looking forward to your adventure..


Did you arrive safely L.B.? What’s it like over there?


Arriving in Vancouver

Since arriving in Vancouver I have been amazed at the transformation of the city in the space of a year. In one weeks time the games will be shown all around the world to the winter sports community and Vancouver should be proud of their efforts. The city is alive and you can feel the Olympic energy in the air.

(more writing to come)


The Boxing Kangaroo & Team Australia

The Australian house was not hard to find when looking at the Athlete’s Village – the team mascot ‘BK’ the boxing kangaroo has to be seen to be believed! Australia has outdone themselves with the flag and it’s causing quite a stir amongst the other nations and the media. It was funny to watch CTV news and hear a story about ‘BK’ and how the IOC want it to be removed. So glad the AOC stood up for ‘BK’ and put forward a case to keep him. ‘BK’ is still there and it looks amazing.

I happened to get to bump into Steph in Whistler and it was great to see her in her Aussie Uniform. She still manages to pimp out her uniform with pink accessories. Love it!

Here are a few pictures of the goodies she received.

(more writing to come)


‘Aussie Uniform’





(writing and pictures to come)


Olympic Games Eve

Today marked Day 105 of the Olympic Torch Relay so I headed to LiveCity in Yaletown (one of the free event locations) to catch the torch come through this evening. There were thousands of people lining the streets to catch a glimpse of the torch, covered in anything that was red or white. Everyone was cheering and it was an amazing start to my Olympic experience for all involved.

(more writing to come)