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get inked!!!!


ahhh okayy.. ahahah.. well then.. how good was the one that did fatimas? was it deep enuff for an forever effect? lolzz

Warren Chapstick - 18 August 2011 08:23 AM
nyteskye - 18 August 2011 05:16 AM
Warren Chapstick - 16 August 2011 06:26 AM

Nyteskye me mate(Flying Gernard) got his lip done as well, and it’s still there and he’s had it for three years now hmmm

ohh.. i see.. ahahah well i heard wrong then that they go away? lol

Hahahaha nar mate your not in the wrong, some do fade and other’s don’t. I think it’s where you get it done and who does it grin

nyteskye - 18 August 2011 09:28 AM

ahhh okayy.. ahahah.. well then.. how good was the one that did fatimas? was it deep enuff for an forever effect? lolzz

Warren Chapstick - 18 August 2011 08:23 AM
nyteskye - 18 August 2011 05:16 AM
Warren Chapstick - 16 August 2011 06:26 AM

Nyteskye me mate(Flying Gernard) got his lip done as well, and it’s still there and he’s had it for three years now hmmm

ohh.. i see.. ahahah well i heard wrong then that they go away? lol

Hahahaha nar mate your not in the wrong, some do fade and other’s don’t. I think it’s where you get it done and who does it grin


Time will tell dude, the guy that done it only had one eye WTF bahahahahahaha… I know this for sure but, he did cry lol


ahahhaha niiiiice lol.. wheres the evidence?


There is only one pic sorry Nyte


unlucky.. hehehe


ohh the one on george street?


Probably in the carpark at Rilla Pub!!!!!


Millennium tattoos deano