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Battle of the thin and light laptops

nthnbeachesguy - 15 August 2011 10:28 PM
chucky - 15 August 2011 12:25 PM

The lame “Apple fanboy” line is sooooooooooo tracked out.

So nthnbeachesguy, you only surf because you’re a “surfing fanboy”, right? You only snowboard because you’re a “snowboarding fanboy”, right?

And c’mon, you’ve never chatted with anyone about your love of surfing or snowboarding? You’ve never encouraged anyone to give it a try?

I started surfing when I was 6 so I’m not sure what the tag fanboy has to do a with a 6 yr old being taught to surf by their father.  As far as I’m concerned a lot of ppl that use Apple are like religious converts, ramming it down the throat of everyone who uses a PC, I have watched several ppl I know go down that path only to discover how bloody horrible it is when they eventually have an issue with their device.

How could you possibly take someone seriously when you ask them why they bought something and the only reason is the brand name?  Goes with territory with ppl who buy Apple gear.

I buy Subaru based on it’s brand name!!!!! And it’s all because I have had a good experience with it!!!!! Just like Apple!!!!!

I will never buy a Holden ever again for this reason, and that will be the same case with Microsoft Based gear!!!!!

Once Bitten, Twice Shy!!!!

nthnbeachesguy - 15 August 2011 10:28 PM
chucky - 15 August 2011 12:25 PM

The lame “Apple fanboy” line is sooooooooooo tracked out.

So nthnbeachesguy, you only surf because you’re a “surfing fanboy”, right? You only snowboard because you’re a “snowboarding fanboy”, right?

And c’mon, you’ve never chatted with anyone about your love of surfing or snowboarding? You’ve never encouraged anyone to give it a try?

I started surfing when I was 6 so I’m not sure what the tag fanboy has to do a with a 6 yr old being taught to surf by their father.  As far as I’m concerned a lot of ppl that use Apple are like religious converts, ramming it down the throat of everyone who uses a PC, I have watched several ppl I know go down that path only to discover how bloody horrible it is when they eventually have an issue with their device.

How could you possibly take someone seriously when you ask them why they bought something and the only reason is the brand name?  Goes with territory with ppl who buy Apple gear.

Frankly, your opinion is based on little more than ignorance.

Ummmmmmm, OF COURSE “the tag fanboy” has nothing to do “with a 6 yr old being taught to surf by their father” - THAT’S THE POINT! Just as “the tag fanboy” has nothing to do with people buying Apple products because they’re the best. If Apple products were crap, people wouldn’t be so overwhelmingly enthusiastic about them - and almost every single one of their competitors wouldn’t be constantly trying to copy them!

I use Apple products because there’s nothing better available, simple as that. If some other company produced a better product, I’d use that instead. My opinion stems solely from many years’ experience with Apple and its competitors.

If people rely on the fact that Apple as a brand is known for excellence, and base their purchases accordingly, there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with that. That’s what’s known as comon sense.

Did you ever consider that “a lot of ppl that use Apple are like religious converts” because their experience with Apple products is so great, they want to share their good fortune with others? Once again, so you’ve never chatted with anyone about your love of surfing or snowboarding? You’ve never encouraged anyone to give it a try?


I think we should lock this thread as it is nothing but whinging… Windows kids are always going to praise windows and Mac kids are always going to praise Macs. Lets just let it be…

Mizu Kuma - 16 August 2011 09:05 AM
nthnbeachesguy - 15 August 2011 10:28 PM
chucky - 15 August 2011 12:25 PM

The lame “Apple fanboy” line is sooooooooooo tracked out.

So nthnbeachesguy, you only surf because you’re a “surfing fanboy”, right? You only snowboard because you’re a “snowboarding fanboy”, right?

And c’mon, you’ve never chatted with anyone about your love of surfing or snowboarding? You’ve never encouraged anyone to give it a try?

I started surfing when I was 6 so I’m not sure what the tag fanboy has to do a with a 6 yr old being taught to surf by their father.  As far as I’m concerned a lot of ppl that use Apple are like religious converts, ramming it down the throat of everyone who uses a PC, I have watched several ppl I know go down that path only to discover how bloody horrible it is when they eventually have an issue with their device.

How could you possibly take someone seriously when you ask them why they bought something and the only reason is the brand name?  Goes with territory with ppl who buy Apple gear.

I buy Subaru based on it’s brand name!!!!! And it’s all because I have had a good experience with it!!!!! Just like Apple!!!!!

I will never buy a Holden ever again for this reason, and that will be the same case with Microsoft Based gear!!!!!

Once Bitten, Twice Shy!!!!

Had nothing but good experiences really with Holdens, get a lot of car for the money.  Having said that I just picked up a Ford Ranger TD Dual Cab yesterday.  Completely different car but if it’s anything like my Holdens in terms of reliability I’ll be happy.  I looked at Subaru’s and I have always loved the Forester but when push came to shove, it wasn’t big enough and I got more car for my money with the Ford IMO.

Having said that the reason I ended up in the Ford is that I did my research on all the available options and ended up with the best compromise for myself.  To have just gone out and bought a Colorado cause it’s a Holden would have been imbecilic, just like going out and buying an Apple cause it’s an Apple is also imbecilic in my book.

chucky - 16 August 2011 12:41 PM
nthnbeachesguy - 15 August 2011 10:28 PM
chucky - 15 August 2011 12:25 PM

The lame “Apple fanboy” line is sooooooooooo tracked out.

So nthnbeachesguy, you only surf because you’re a “surfing fanboy”, right? You only snowboard because you’re a “snowboarding fanboy”, right?

And c’mon, you’ve never chatted with anyone about your love of surfing or snowboarding? You’ve never encouraged anyone to give it a try?

I started surfing when I was 6 so I’m not sure what the tag fanboy has to do a with a 6 yr old being taught to surf by their father.  As far as I’m concerned a lot of ppl that use Apple are like religious converts, ramming it down the throat of everyone who uses a PC, I have watched several ppl I know go down that path only to discover how bloody horrible it is when they eventually have an issue with their device.

How could you possibly take someone seriously when you ask them why they bought something and the only reason is the brand name?  Goes with territory with ppl who buy Apple gear.

Frankly, your opinion is based on little more than ignorance.

Ummmmmmm, OF COURSE “the tag fanboy” has nothing to do “with a 6 yr old being taught to surf by their father” - THAT’S THE POINT! Just as “the tag fanboy” has nothing to do with people buying Apple products because they’re the best. If Apple products were crap, people wouldn’t be so overwhelmingly enthusiastic about them - and almost every single one of their competitors wouldn’t be constantly trying to copy them!

I use Apple products because there’s nothing better available, simple as that. If some other company produced a better product, I’d use that instead. My opinion stems solely from many years’ experience with Apple and its competitors.

If people rely on the fact that Apple as a brand is known for excellence, and base their purchases accordingly, there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with that. That’s what’s known as comon sense.

Did you ever consider that “a lot of ppl that use Apple are like religious converts” because their experience with Apple products is so great, they want to share their good fortune with others? Once again, so you’ve never chatted with anyone about your love of surfing or snowboarding? You’ve never encouraged anyone to give it a try?

Yeah sure I have but not in the Apple fanboy terms of you must be a moron not to surf/snowboard or you must be a moron to still be using PC products.  I have said it previously, Apple does an amazing job of marketing their products, the very fact that ppl will buy their products without doing any research whatsoever is testament to that fact.  Thats my major issue with Apple, ppl saying it’s better cause it’s Apple without knowing a damn thing about anything else on the market, that sir, is ignorance.

I’m glad you found what works best for you, it sounds like you have used both and come to the conclusion that Apple fits you best. 

I also have used both as well and flat out don’t like Apple as a result.  I have watched mates of mine who rely on Apply product for a living in the media industry get so shitted off with it that they have physically thrown the laptop out the window.  Granted the person in question is a known hothead who has also written the word “SHIT” in permanent marker across the screen of his Mac before as well because it wouldn’t do what he wanted.

Another mate has had hard drives fail, motherboards or whatever the Apple equivalent is fail and lose hours of editing work as a result.  When sent to Apple service the dollars they wanted to fix and recover were fucken astronomical.

What I’m struggling to get past here is because I don’t like Apple products I must be “ignorant”?  Wake up to yourself champ, some ppl have tried both sides of the fence and still prefer PC land.


Hey guys, Boardworld is a happy place. We all have different opinions on products and reasons for why we buy them. It’s not worth taking it any further than that. I think this thread has run it’s course so I’m going to close it.

PC vs Mac: the saga continues…