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Ski hire online?

Hi, I’m new to boarding and here on
My family and I will make our first winter holiday in December. I found websites like where you can reserve your equipment in advance. Has andybody experience with that? Do they offer good service?


Hey man! Im new here too lol

Best advice i can give you is forget about online ski hire, you need to physically try on the gear otherwise you will have a very crappy day ahead of you if it doesn’t fit right.

Also i lived in Austria for 6 months last year, and you can actually get pretty damn good deals up there on renting/buying gear (Austrias version of Aldi had like snow jackets and snow pants for 20 eur each) in the local towns so again i would just rock up to wherever you are planning to go, and compare prices up there with a few different ski shops and then get your stuff.

My 2c smile


Yeah, but you make only the reservation online, go than to the store and try the equipment anyway.. ?
Where in Austria did you lived??


Hey tiger-eagle, welcome to Boardworld!  cool smile

Yeah it’s really important to try on your gear so I don’t think there is any benefit from reserving hire equipment online. Any good rental store should have a good range of equipment and they shouldn’t run out. Go into the store, talk to them, and make sure the equipment is suitable for you.




tiger-eagle where are you located?


the only benefit to booking online is to get early bird savings
you basically noting the fact you are going to book there…actually picking what gear you are going to get per se

you still do the basic trying on gear/etc when you go to pick your gear up

this said
your locking yourself in pretty much and the saving isnt generally that much
better off just rocking up in person and then you can pick any of the local stores


All depends on how long ya goin for!!!!!

Sometimes ya better off buyin some gear!!!!!


Hey Tiger and Crosek
Welcome to Boardworld ollie


judging by their post history im going to assume spam


Can ya hire spam online????

Mizu Kuma - 17 August 2011 02:20 AM

Can ya hire spam online????

I think just in Austria

snowdragon - 17 August 2011 02:25 AM
Mizu Kuma - 17 August 2011 02:20 AM

Can ya hire spam online????

I think just in Austria



I don’t think it’s spam, guys. Give him a chance.  smile


Ya know that we are quick to jump to conclusions around this place, rider!!!!!!

Plus the fact that we love to get the post count up in any new thread that comes along!!!!!!  cool hmm


did you know spam is a delicacy in dapto