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Clover Luck?


Everyone knows 4 leaf clovers are good luck.
(Hate to know what my year would have been like as I found 7X4 leaf’s in the last 12 months).

Then there is; Phillip J. Fry’s 7 leaf clover that gave him the ability to out-do his older brother in Futurama.

So yesterday I’m poking around a clover patch and come across a 5 leaf clover! Never seen or heard about 5 leaf clovers before, I hope they contain magic healing properties…

Can anyone offer their imaginary insight into this wondrous freak of the floral kind.

Truly; I did find a 5 leaf clover yesterday. It’s being pressed atm and dont want to disturb it.


I don’t Know anything about how it works, but I sure hope you get all the good stuff you deserve coming to you real soon mate. smile


Apart from Powder days when I am not there, then I will call you a bastard for shredding it without me raspberry

No friends on powder days !!!!!!!!!!


5 leaf clovers grant their owner access to the ski patrol lift line wink


As long as it also accesses patrol’s start time on the mountain. But will the RFID gates recognise it…

Azz - 14 August 2011 02:30 AM

Apart from Powder days when I am not there, then I will call you a bastard for shredding it without me raspberry

No friends on powder days !!!!!!!!!!

I’ve been called names for shredding pow days without my friends. Mostly from those that watch my vids.
I have equal amounts of love and hate sent my way from the same people.


Hoping the all powerful 5 leaf clover brings you lots of luck!


Just did some googling and the 5 leaf clover represents money!

Drinks on Spaz at the shred!


I trust we’re getting a pic once the pressing is done?


If you keep checking the same plant you will more than likely find more, they seem to appear on the same plant quite often. you might find 6 leaf clovers to.
Im not going to tell you what a 5 leaf clover is supposed to mean wink


I think that it means that ya have left the job of cuttin the grass way too long, dude!!!!!  rolleyes