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Battle of the thin and light laptops


Soon enough there will be apple converts coming to my door on the weekend trying to save me from the evils of the PC ha ha ha ha!


The lame “Apple fanboy” line is sooooooooooo tracked out.

So nthnbeachesguy, you only surf because you’re a “surfing fanboy”, right? You only snowboard because you’re a “snowboarding fanboy”, right?

And c’mon, you’ve never chatted with anyone about your love of surfing or snowboarding? You’ve never encouraged anyone to give it a try?


Have you given demonic cults a try? I’m sure they will be great smile

tjswish - 15 August 2011 12:54 PM

Have you given demonic cults a try? I’m sure they will be great smile


i’m an Apple fanboy.

chucky - 15 August 2011 12:25 PM

The lame “Apple fanboy” line is sooooooooooo tracked out.

So nthnbeachesguy, you only surf because you’re a “surfing fanboy”, right? You only snowboard because you’re a “snowboarding fanboy”, right?

And c’mon, you’ve never chatted with anyone about your love of surfing or snowboarding? You’ve never encouraged anyone to give it a try?

I started surfing when I was 6 so I’m not sure what the tag fanboy has to do a with a 6 yr old being taught to surf by their father.  As far as I’m concerned a lot of ppl that use Apple are like religious converts, ramming it down the throat of everyone who uses a PC, I have watched several ppl I know go down that path only to discover how bloody horrible it is when they eventually have an issue with their device.

How could you possibly take someone seriously when you ask them why they bought something and the only reason is the brand name?  Goes with territory with ppl who buy Apple gear.


^^ It’s like Burton preachers… and how fkn good that Custom is… lol


I just don’t get it…

Years ago I had a Sony Ericsson phone that had expandable memory on it and had all my music on there (it was also capable of email and web browsing but as data was so expensive I didn’t use it).

All my friends and work colleagues (who had ipods) claimed they didn’t get why I would want everything on one device, they were happy with their phone and ipod…

Those same people jumped as soon as apple said how high and got an iphone… some of them even sleep out over night WTF for a PHONE!?1? Cudos to the marketing department of apple for building this brand that way.

I am also having difficulties here at work, they don’t provide mobiles but give us the means to access our emails on our phones. But they don’t support them. The most calls request they get are from iphone users. There are huge replication issues, glitches with calenders etc etc. My boss refuses to acknowledge that it is his iphone - does my head in.

If anyone knows how to fix this i would be for ever grateful.


Has it been reset to factory settings from iTunes?
or restore it from backup…

spaz - 16 August 2011 03:30 AM

Has it been reset to factory settings from iTunes?
or restore it from backup…

Tried both - its not the phone that is the problem it is the exchange server. Although the phone caused the inital replication. But rebuilding the phone does not fix what i see on the computer. If that makes sense.

We haven’t lost anything just created more stuff! It’s very weird.

IT are not sure what or how to fix. But only people with iphones report this problem.


Oz, what program are you using for your emails?

Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes?

If it is Microsoft, there really shouldn’t be any issues. I would remove the email account and re-add it.

If it is Lotus Notes, good luck.


Its outlook.

I will suggest what you recommend. But how do we stop it happening again?


I run IT for a company that would have about 50-100 Iphones connected and have never had an issue with any of them. I would say your IT just doesnt want to deal with them…


Oh god please don’t tell my boss that!

But i suspect that is the case also.

The things i need to deal with as a PA!


Haha. I’d suspect his computer runs slow, 1/2 the internet is blocked and they are completely anti apple as well?


Computer is 6 years old!

Most of the internet is unblocked - and i suppose they are not anti apple if they let people use iphones….

But they don’t seem to want to change their systems to accommodate them