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Washing snow clothes

Tills - 12 August 2011 12:36 AM

I let my mate borrow my wetsuit once, and it came back WREAKING of piss! He obviously warmed himself up only a very short time before he left the water. I was a little upset to say the least.

Needless to say I no longer let anybody borrow my wetsuit.

I don’t think a wetsuit is a share-able item.

To me thats like loaning someone my underwear…


Thanks rider. I did read somewhere that Goretex can be washed with normal detergent but it had to be liquid? I might just give it a go and if I notice any difference to the waterproofing will try a spray to restore it.

In future my lesson is learnt, smokers can only borrow the gear if I get it back the same day!!!


why would you worry about offending smokers? Not only is it a filthy habit, but there aren’t many other filthy habits out there that affect others as much as smoking does. Pick your nose? your problem…bite your nails? your problem….smoke? can easily become someone elses problem.

I frign hate it!


I have to agree with cords. Though I wouldn’t lend anyone a pair of gloves due to wiping of the nose… that kind of affects my likelyhood of wearing the gloves again lol.

Also wouldn’t lend out my current pair of boots due to all feet being different and they may blow out the mold that you created in the boots. That and my feet already stink enough… last thing I want is mixed feet odours in my boots lol.


I have def learnt my lesson hey! Once I spray em with deoderant I swear they will smell like a high school locker room LOL ew


I think as long as you dissolve the powder detergent properly first, and you give the outerwear a double rinse, you should be able to use any detergent with no problems. Using detergent definitely won’t mess up the waterproofing of Gore-tex. Tumble dry it on warm and use Nikwax TX.Direct Stray-on, and it will seriously be as good as new.

Edit: This is the stuff. You use it after you wash the outerwear.

Also moving this thread to Products and Equipment.


Frebreeze (sp?)

Is pretty good at removing odours.

We used by the drum when I worked hire.


went looking for that the other day at woolies
couldnt find it

still available in Australia?
cant find on the website


I think Glen 20 is pretty much the same thing?,71

Do you think the odours will still be there after a proper wash? I don’t think they will.


Why not make the smoker buy the outerwear off you? “you break it, you buy it”

Gamblor - 12 August 2011 05:37 AM

Why not make the smoker buy the outerwear off you? “you break it, you buy it”

Sometimes you just can’t ask a friend to do that… No matter how hard you want to, you just can’t…