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English Premier League


NCAA Basketball. They have 16 teams per division, 4 divisions = 64 teams.

You tip all games prior to tip off and whoever goes the best wins. It’s really easy and lots of fun. You can totally get knocked out in the first game if you screw up. This year I came 3rd in my bracket of 21 players by tipping North Carolina to win it.


ahhh i see then.


If there actually is an NBA season, I will start a league for Fantasy Basketball.


I’ll be in for that as well smile


Sorry Rider. usually id be straight in but got two months worth of writing ahead of me and I dont need the distraction smile


Just set your team and leave it for two month. You get three subs so if you have any injuries they will be automatically substituted. Honestly, some teams that rarely trade do very well. Just pick a well balanced team with decent subs.

/ peer pressure wink


That’s what I planned to do lol.

rider26 - 10 August 2011 04:05 AM

If there actually is an NBA season, I will start a league for Fantasy Basketball.

thats a big if!

im going to kill someone if there isnt games played by december 19th…


Go see some college ball, apparently its quite good smile


that is looking like the only viable option at the moment… mind you im going to try fit in a redwings game so worse comes to worse i only get to see nfl and nhl…


Im in…. game on suckers!!!  cool grin


yeah crackers don’t be a square! haha


ok so as predicted I’m in last place after the first games. TJ - how on earth did you figure out how to change your formation to 3 at the back? I looked and couldn’t see how to do it. Can you fill me in?


Think it had something to do with an automatic sub? But cool I’m coming 2nd lol. Who is first?


Sorry dude, But appart from Chelsea and Manchester U. i dont know any other teams lol