The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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it’s not Happo. I live here so I’m riding in Hakuba every weekend. Loads of pow right now :D
Awesome! Definately looking forward to more photos from you.
Photos of the Week have been posted to the front page. Well done to Gamblor and wakedad33. Keep the photos coming!
Date: 3 january 2010
Time: 8:36pm
Where: Yamagata Zao Onsen, Japan
The setup for these photos was long, tiring and cold.. This night brought about alot of frozen fingers and toes, a few good slams and some broken equipment, but in the end.. It was all worth it..
Title: Nose Slide, Bug Light Rail
Location: South Portland, Maine
Date: 1/1/10 9:00 PM
Title: Tail Press, Key Bank Plaza
Location: Portland, Maine
Date: 1/2/10 2:15 AM
Incredible photos! Great work there, thelumpya2. Who is the rider?
Thanks alot, this is my second or third attempt at shooting snowboarding.. Not because I don’t want to, it’s just hard to hook up with good riders who are as motivated as I am.. ALOT of work goes into something like this, so it’s nice when people appreciate it… I’ll post more stuff next week…
Sorry, I forgot the add the riders name… His name is Rob Hallowell. We Will likely be working together more throughout the season..
Awesome, good luck with it all. That is excellent stuff from Rob also. Definately looking forward to more great photos from you guys this season.
so many of these photos are awesome, well done all…here’s an idea…why don’t you do a Boardworld Calendar with some of the member photos (assuming you get the right permission)?
I’d buy it (been looking for a shred calendar for my daughter but nothing to be found this year for some reason - unless I get it overseas)...
Mt Bachelor Oregon. Christmas
Mt. Bachelor Oregon, Christmas. Rider Alex Scagliotti
There’s some wicked photos being posted!! Love the one above!
Photos of the Week have been posted to the front page. Congratulations to thelumpya2! The new round starts now.
hey guys how do i get a photo to appear in this thread??
Hey Scotty,
To attach any image from a website - right click on the image and select ‘Properties’.
There you will see the address (URL) of the image. Copy the URL.
On the forums type:
[.img]put-the-URL-address-here[/img] - without the dot (.) in the first bracket
You can click POST REPLY instead of QUICK REPLY. Then click the <img> button just above the message body area. It will automatically type the image tags for you. Then just put the image URL between the two tags. Or highlight the URL and click <img>
To upload any image at 800 pixels, go to (here you can upload images for free without registering).
Select ‘resize image’ and click ‘800 x 600’
Upload your image, click on your image, right click on the image, select properties, get the image URL and post here.
If you want you can click ‘quote’ this reply to see how I have used the [img] tags to post the below image.
Hey Scotty,
Have a look at the start of this thread for the best explanation..