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Who is tweating on twitter


Follow Boardworld on Twitter @


Follow me @

or follow us both and we just might follow you

Happy New years!!! Hope you all have a blast


Haha nice one. Thanks Brad. I haven’t really got into Twitter too much yet. It is currently linked to teh Girls Only fan page on Facebook, so anything posted by us on there gets automatically tweeted. Seems to work well…

Happy new year to you too!


I am really just getting into it to right now and not really sure how everything works, here it is great for networking.

Latest and greatest photo:


Hey Brad, Where were you located to take that picture?



Amazing photo!! That is unreal.


Were you in a helicopter???
Awesome photo


30th floor of a friends condo.  Have a few more but this was my fav, need to do some editing on the rest and will post a link soon.


That is an amazing photo. Are you able to post the full size images of the other photo? I would love to see more.

I only got to see the fireworks from a distance and they looked pretty good.

Great spot…


Here are a few more shots, I wont post the full size, they are pretty big and dont fit the page to well.  I got a job thats flying me up to Byron Bay for the weekend to take some shots of a yoga retreat kinda thing.  So I will be gone most of the weekend.  After that should be back to the usual and will be looking to get out and do some skate shots (if the weather gets better)

rider26 - 31 December 2009 06:17 AM

Haha nice one. Thanks Brad. I haven’t really got into Twitter too much yet. It is currently linked to teh Girls Only fan page on Facebook, so anything posted by us on there gets automatically tweeted. Seems to work well…

Happy new year to you too!

I used to have a Blackberry for work, but I no longer do.
I was into getting email and texts constantly… but never got too into Twitter.
I hit the twitter website and signed up, but if it is not going to my phone I dont see the purpose of it at all.


I dont have a fancy phone and I barely use my touch online.  I tweet from home when Im photo editing and stuff.  I mainly am using it as a way of networking and finding out cool info on events and tips and tricks for photography.  I dont need to know what paris hilton is thinking so I dont bother following people I have absolutley no intrest in.

But if you are interested in what Im doing I have started a blog this year so feel free to check it out there are a few photos from my photo shoot in Byron bay a couple weeks ago.


Hey Brad, I just read your blog. Great stuff!

If you want to shoot either tonight (5:45pm) or Saturday morning, we are doing a film shoot at Maroubra Skate Park. It would be really good to get you there. You have my number. smile


I will be there for sure Sat, see ya then!