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Post a Pic of your craziest snow outfit


Snow FM are running this so thought we could do the same here. Post a pic of the weirdest outfit you have worn while boarding


The first time I went snowboarding (about 13 years ago)...

Not really a crazy outfit but still super dorky. Haha red face


I must be the only normal person on here when it comes to outfits! The worst I have worn is a white jacket and grey/pink pants.


Photos please.  raspberry


This was only my second day ever boarding as well!


time to dig this photo up again i suppose.. womens size 8 jacket.. complete with shoulder pads and 1996 lift pass still attached


Awesome Mike hahaha. How old is the photo?


My first time snowboarding I had crappy hand-me-downs. Which included gloves that were meant to be red but so faded they were a horrible pink colour. And pink was by no way cool back then (not to say that it is now either). Sorry I don’t think I have any photos.


We have a winner!  LOL

Dan83 - 09 August 2011 03:40 AM

Awesome Mike hahaha. How old is the photo?

It’s probably current isn’t it??


I remember him saying it was from the 08/09 season in Whistler.

Dan83 - 09 August 2011 03:40 AM

Awesome Mike hahaha. How old is the photo?

Unfortunately that photo is only 2 and a half years old hahahaha

p.s. there is nothing wrong with pink Dan, you just need to get in touch with your feminine side a bit more raspberry


by the look of the pic he already looks very in touch with his feminine side


Dan definitely is in touch with his feminine side. He was so touching and caring when I met him.


Your lucky he was caring C J! didnt he help you out of a tree well? LOL


Thanks K2 you had to ruin my moment, I was just hoping that was just a caring moment for me and not the situation.  tongue rolleye