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Snowboarding games!


LOL we had the PS2 set up when we had a gym room. Watched DVD’s when walking on the treadmill or played a game between reps LOL.


Will have to get SSX when it comes out! Always been a fan. Which character do you play with HardSnow? I was always a Marty or Eddie player myself smile

deanobruce - 08 August 2011 01:57 AM

wait…how do you play games whilst you work out?

like you jump on the stationary bike, pedal and play games or something?

I have a stationary bike and treadmill. I love just zoning out and playing games. makes it so much easier. Can’t really do arm work outs or anything. also the treadmill is kind of dangerous. you have to have it perfectly in front of the tv or you will fall off lol. you start running to the side without realizing. 

blizzard_22 - 08 August 2011 02:46 AM

LOL we had the PS2 set up when we had a gym room. Watched DVD’s when walking on the treadmill or played a game between reps LOL.

Love watching snow vids to. gets me pumped.

tjswish - 08 August 2011 03:27 AM

Will have to get SSX when it comes out! Always been a fan. Which character do you play with HardSnow? I was always a Marty or Eddie player myself smile

I love psymon, Crazy mofo reminds me of me on the slopes lol. But i have played pretty much every character. I hate griffons high pitch voice. so annoying.


Also, Elise is so hot. i wana meet that chick that it was based off lol.


I wasn’t a huge Elise fan… though SSX tricky wasn’t all that lifelike lol.

Psymon was mad, my bro always used him… The Guillotine move was always the best.


Alexis in the newest game is pretty hot though smile. She is French though… lol


man i dont know how you concentrate on cycling.

i know when i play my xbox i dont notice anythign but the screen, if i tried cycling i would stop about 30 seconds in!


The first snowboarding game I fell in love with was Cool Boarders on the PS1… I actually found it a couple years ago and bought it for like $3 or something LOL


Cool boarders was what made first think about snowboarding haha


ain’t nothing wrong with hot french chicks lol. Tjswish.

deano, are you kiding it’s the easiest thing ever. I ride really fast, but because i’m more frustrated at losing my multiplier.

lol i did the same for ssx3, drove all around brisbane trying to find a copy that worked. i bought 3, all froze when i did high tricks…. found out that the playstation 3 couldn’t do it lol. had to get my ps2 up and running.


i never kind wink


Engrish fail… lol


I played Wii Fit years ago one rainy day with a bunch of friends….

That ski jumping game…. i think it is supposed to work on core strength and balance.

Anyway a room full of non skiers and I got the worst score!


AHaha i hate that. I played that game to, it’s all bs, I played shaun white snowboarding on a wii a while ago. That was terrible, nothing like snowboarding. you had to squat to jump… lol.


1080 Snowboarding on teh 64 was cool back in the day.

I’ve got Shaun White snowboarding for the 360 but it’s pretty shit. Has anyone played Stoked, it’s meant to be better, but probably still not very good.