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Favorite 2012 Graphics


What did lib tech do with his work?

Gamblor - 06 August 2011 09:18 AM

didn’t know he painted for Burton. which Balance was it?

Pretty sure it was 2000-2001 - Terje rode it heaps. It was one of those graphics where it combines over 5 or 6 boards to form the one artwork, and it was a face (mainly the eyes).


Boom. The 2000 Balance

You can buy a print of the work from Travis/Mike’s art project


I love the Forum Scallywag -

I wanted a Stepchild Trickstick -

And although I wouldn’t buy one, the YES Dudes was a sick concept -


The YES Great dudes of history has a awesome graphic


Technine L.M Pro Turtles Fail- Raphael wears the red eye mask, but he carries Sai, not dagger thingys.  I’m sorry, I was loving it until that one little thing downer


i almost bought a YES great dudes of history except there was only 157 left i think, i wanted shorter.


I think the Yes great dudes is a great board but I didn’t consider it because of the graphics. Cool idea, yes, but I don’t want to look down at my board and see a black and white (looks like a photocopy) photo of JFK or Lincoln or whoever is in my size. The 2012 is even worse imo. The great broads is again black and white, and this time they’re abstract images of the ladies. At least for the ladies have real photos!


Hey fellas! Im new around here so just wanted to get that out of the way haha

For 2012 not really into any of the new gfx yet, gotta wait and see them in person then i start to like them.
For 2011 though, Burton Sweet Talker ftw!


I’m liking the Burton Custom also.


Parillo also did this years Attack Banana which looks dope.  Also rides like a champion as well….

Trav Laird - 26 August 2011 07:11 AM

Parillo also did this years Attack Banana . . .

Imagine how much better that board would be without the tacky graphics that clash with the artwork.


really?... I think it looks rad


To be fair, ithat particular one’s certainly not the worst that Lib Tech have done. Far from it actually.


I kinda think the 60’s kitsch font looks good and suits the attack banana but it’s very subjective really.