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Who Do You Know On Boardworld


Azz, rider, Banger, Mizu, MrsMizu, Warren Chapstick, Fast eddie, fatima, JustGiver, Tjswish, Chucky, Misspopsicle, Ozgirl…..

There are more I’m sure. I’ve met some lurkers as well.


Met Rider and CJ at the shop… i wonder how many people from here I’ve ‘seen’ during snow trips.


Do you go to Thredbo or P?


i no warren, mizu, eddie, rider, spaz, flying gurnard n chucky


Met Jeremy and Vlad (Snowman) tonight and they were nice smile

tjswish - 04 August 2011 11:20 AM

Met Jeremy and Vlad (Snowman) tonight and they were nice smile

Oh Yeah!!!!! How nice????  hmmm


Only rider26 so far, but he didn’t mention me :(

Mizu Kuma - 04 August 2011 12:46 PM
tjswish - 04 August 2011 11:20 AM

Met Jeremy and Vlad (Snowman) tonight and they were nice smile

Oh Yeah!!!!! How nice????  hmmm

Nicer than you chicken legs smile


^^^ LOL

skip11 - 04 August 2011 01:56 PM

Only rider26 so far, but he didn’t mention me :(

Oh shit, I knew I would forget people. I can think of more now too!  shut eye

Don’t worry Skip, I haven’t forgotten you! I’m putting you number one on my list!


Hahaha no worries :D. Are you gonna be instructing next season Jer?


No, going to buy my season pass. They are giving me discounted media season pass which made the decision that much easier.

Michelle is applying for a supervisor job. If she gets it I would be tempted to work for her because I’ll get the staff pass but barely have to work.

Haha that all makes me sound lazy! It’s really because I want more time to work on Boardworld, I promise. wink

What’s your plan?


need an offsider? im available haha

spaz - 04 August 2011 09:24 AM

Do you go to Thredbo or P?

Thredbo for me.  Got married and went out to the Kosi Express for some pics around lunch a couple years back, then went to the Schuss much later that night and got recognised even though I was in normal clothes.  For some reason that seemed strange, I always wondered if those dudes posted on forums


@rider26: hahaha that sounds nice, getting a pass w/out really having to do any work loll raspberry. I’m only takin 2 classes first term and another 2 second term so hopefully can get more days out on the hill. Lucky I’m still a student so gonna get that $450 student pass =) and maybe the snowbus pass so I’ll have a ride every weekend smile