The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


It is way to HOT here !!!


Its 47 degrees, thats celsius in the workshop, 39 outside. I tell you this heat is just plain stupid !!!!!
I miss winter long face


Hell yeah I am so with you on that one. You can only get so naked to cool down before the cops drag you away LOL

Air Con isn’t working at my office so it is like sitting in a sauna all day… 166 days and counting until Winter…....


Wow that is crazy hot. I thought it was hot in Sydney today… and I was feeling sorry for myself at work.


Yeah I hear you about the heat - it sux!


Best bit of a hot day is a cool wine or beer while sitting in the pool. Bugger we have to work to pay for the privilege of having it in the first place!!!


My only escape is sitting in the car with the aircon on! The XR6 Falcon’s already guzzle the petrol enough im going through more with the aircon!


my 5.7L V8 knows all about guzzling fuel… but its worth it


So let change to a car thread…................... we just got ourselves a Hyundai i30, 1.6 ltr Turbo Diesel, uses bugger all fuel and gets along quite well.

Does not have that sweet rumble of a V8 though


Just to let you guys know, last week in my hometown Edmonton, Alberta, Can.  The airport recoded -54 C, -59 with wind chill.  That day on the news I guess they were saying how Edmonton was the coldest city in the world and Sydney happened to be the hottest.  At least here in Syd we can go for a dip in the great blue.  I know most of us are all snow junkies but -59 is just not for me.


Now that is cold brrrrr


Woah that is insane!! I experienced -25C on the mountain in Whistler, and that was painful. Frost bite on my big toes.


Been awhile, havent been online much but back at work now so will be around more.  Did a road trip from Melbourne to Sydney then from there to Coffs, Byron, Goldy Noosa and same back down.  Was around 30 most of the time.  i get back to Melb and first day at work it’s 11 degrees, rainy, windy and they got 5cm of snow at Buller, same time last week my neighbour tells me it was 44 degrees.  It didn’t get below 37 at night, he couldn’t take it so he went to the St Kilda beach and reckoned there was literally thousands of people at the beach and in the water at 1am ha ha ha.  Weird country we live in and WTF is global warming now?


Amazing country hey !!!!

Couldn’t see the snow on Baw Baw, t’was a bit hazy last few days, but we can see her on a clear day from here.

That would of been awesome at St Kilda beach, what a party !!!


I reckon being at the beach at 1am would be mad fun! Our aircon at work STILL isn’t working, was 31degrees inside the other day… ew :’-(


So today I am driving into town and its 41 degrees, will someone please kill me now…....... (or take me to Japan)


it was 44 yesterday here at mums (Narrellan Vale-SSW Sydney) dropped to 31 at 10pm. I thought about driving down to sleep at the beach but decided that the beers I had at dinner wouldn’t agree with the 1 hour trip so I slept in air con comfort of my parents.

As a bonus my washing dried in 5 min - but I hung it out without wearing shoes and burnt my soles.