The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Happy Holidays


Hey everyone just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah,  and a Crazy Kwanzaa. For those of you who are not religious or don’t celebrate or believe in these holidays… Get back to work you don’t deserve to have the time off.  LOL all kidding aside I just thought I would say enjoy your time together with friends and family.  This holiday season I am making homemade perogies which I have never done before.  They don’t sell them here in Aus so I thought I would share a little of my family tradition with some friends here.

Anyone doing anything crazy, fun or traditional this holiday season?

If I missed any religious holidays I just picked the big three not meaning to leave out or to offend anyone.

Love life and friends

Merry Christmas from me!


Merry Christmas Brad and everyone else! Going for a lunch at my future brother inlaw’s house. Nothing crazy planned for the holidays but I went for a 3 hour surf today instead of working from home, it was awesome! Such a nice day out there…

What does everyone have planned from NYE? We still haven’t worked out our plans.


Merry X’mas to you too Brad.. I hope those perogies turn out

I can’t believe it’s already Christmas, it’s doesn’t even feel like it. I think I might do the Aussie thing and eat some seafood by the beach and go for a swim.

We should meet up soon to catch up.

Can’t believe what Ali has done, I’m so proud of her!!!

Have a happy holidays!!