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BOARDWORLD SHRED 2011 ~Jive talk~


This looks like so much freaking fun…. stupid being poor. stupid 25k wedding.

HardSnow - 03 August 2011 06:49 AM

This looks like so much freaking fun…. stupid being poor. stupid 25k wedding.

Then just change the wedding to $24500 and “INVEST” that last $500 in the Shred!

Just tell a few of your cousins that the wedding is the weekend after and then you will easily save that money!

ozgirl - 03 August 2011 06:47 AM
Caboose - 03 August 2011 06:29 AM
ozgirl - 03 August 2011 05:55 AM

I may just have to join you guys….

you will need a snowboard wink

Sure I can stand around and look pretty holding a board… but am sure everyone will have much more fun if I am on two planks.

we probably will need a Skier to sacrifice to HUEY!! wink

HardSnow - 03 August 2011 06:49 AM

This looks like so much freaking fun…. stupid being poor. stupid 25k wedding.

i feel ya

did that last year

Caboose - 03 August 2011 06:53 AM
ozgirl - 03 August 2011 06:47 AM
Caboose - 03 August 2011 06:29 AM
ozgirl - 03 August 2011 05:55 AM

I may just have to join you guys….

you will need a snowboard wink

Sure I can stand around and look pretty holding a board… but am sure everyone will have much more fun if I am on two planks.

we probably will need a Skier to sacrifice to HUEY!! wink



Hahaha… Can’t wait! Do you want the other half of jen and my $$ now spaz?


Please give it to him so he can finally book a room over our heads for the week nights…


Ok I’ll send it over to him after I play basketball tonight!


Let us know how you go at bball.. I haven’t played in months :(

amine - 03 August 2011 11:18 AM

Good news…..Im in AUS.  The Shred here I (we) come.  So stoked.

Dude, that sounds epic! Are you planning to stay at the shred shed or somewhere else?

tjswish - 03 August 2011 08:47 AM

Let us know how you go at bball.. I haven’t played in months :(

TJ - We smashed them!! 51 to 25…. Girl on my team passed me the ball @ the end and I caught it with my face. OUCH!!!


And they got an extra 5 points because I was wearing the wrong shorts. red face Oops. Lucky I made up for it


Nice win, sucks about the ball to the face lol.

We went to soccer training tonight, legs are still sore from the 14km C2S training I did on Monday lol

Billy - 03 August 2011 11:45 AM
tjswish - 03 August 2011 08:47 AM

Let us know how you go at bball.. I haven’t played in months :(

TJ - We smashed them!! 51 to 25…. Girl on my team passed me the ball @ the end and I caught it with my face. OUCH!!!

Good tactic Billy!!!!! I bet that threw the opposition off a little????  LOL

amine - 03 August 2011 11:18 AM

Good news…..Im in AUS.  The Shred here I (we) come.  So stoked.

Sweeeeet! shaka