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Billy’s new challenge’s!!!!!!!!!!!

Poll: What do you think?
Total Votes: 19
Wear a gorilla suit and go into maccas and order a big mac meal and walk out like nuthing has happin?
Sing the song, i love to have a beer with duncan but change duncan to billy? (video it, post it on vimeo and post here)
Make a big poster of boardworld and run around the town telling everyone about boardworld?
Dress up as a hobo and go to a wishing well and try to take all the coins and get away with it?
Do a hundred shots in a hundred minutes for boardworld?

Come on guys she has to do one of these cool smirk



Gotta be the song, and the WHOLE song from start to finish!!!!! I know that she likes a drink, but 100 shots in a Hundred minutes will kill her!!!!!


The song is the only one I can see billy doing. If need be, I will play the song on guitar in the background so she has someting to sing too LOL

My vote was shots, but know it wont happen


Well i voted for the gorilla suit!!!!

Flying gernard did this once before, but he ran into maccas and jumped up on the counter and took someones food and ran off with it bahahahahahahahaha snake

Warren Chapstick - 02 August 2011 08:17 AM

Well i voted for the gorilla suit!!!!

Flying gernard did this once before, but he ran into maccas and jumped up on the counter and took someones food and ran off with it bahahahahahahahaha snake

Hahahahaha LOL


Song would be funny as!


LOL bahahahahaha thats so funny warren!

Warren Chapstick - 02 August 2011 08:08 AM

Come on guys she has to do one of these cool smirk

I’m with Pinky on this one.  raspberry


Hahahahaha!! Oh shit…


This is a pretty good way of doing it. Give the challenger a few options and they can choose which one to do.


Gorilla suit for sure!!! Although, how do we know it is Billy? Maybe wear a Boardworld tee over the top!?


I have just learnt the guitar to Duncan LOL


After the video/pics, Bliz she can take the head off the suit…........

K2 hahahahahahaha that would be sick, busking on the side of a street some where.


oh yes, Billy n Brad the Teachers buskin @ Mountain Gate shops in BW tees.  Or we do it at Falls this weekend! hahahahaha


K2 you forgot to add while wearing a Gorilla suit for Billy!!!


LOL dont know if she would hire one