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Hookups for some bindings??


Anyone know any local Australian shops that could ship to the Gold Coast (QLD) that stock:

ps. If theres a post already about this kinda stuff, go ahead and delete it.



Not supposed to put up links/posts to OS sites, bliss!!!!!

Boardworld is a strong backer of The Local Aussie Snowboard Industry, cause it supports Boardworld!!!!!  shaka

One of the Crew might be able to wrangle a “Boardworld Discount” through a local store for ya????


Yeah thats a better choice! Ill re word the OP haha

Sorry about that!


All good bliss!!!!!

And I’m sure that rider will be about to help with ya search!!!!!! When he finishes ridin that is!!!!! Huh, hoe’s his form hey????  rolleyes


Just no dedication.. wink.

Narh haha can’t blame him, if i was out ridin I wouldn’t be going near a computer!


I would be frothhhing, if rider could get me a mad deal but!


These guys have been really good to me, and I’m sure they’d be happy to arrange shipping for ya! Really small shop that gives a lot back to the community. Melbourne shop, in Elwood if anyone wants to check em out.

bish - 31 July 2011 01:56 PM

These guys have been really good to me, and I’m sure they’d be happy to arrange shipping for ya! Really small shop that gives a lot back to the community. Melbourne shop, in Elwood if anyone wants to check em out.

Used to live round the corner from these guys so dropped in there quite a bit, can’t remember any names but there was a guy in there who was also a personal trainer who was really good and a tall girl with brown hair who was so enthusiastic about snowboarding it was infectious.


Ya didn’t catch anythin off her, did ya nthn???


LMAO, no not that sort of infectious, get your head out of the gutter, I see you’re feeling gay and lighthearted today Mizu!


I swear that I am not wearin a dress!!!!!  hmmm


I have this image in my mind of a middle aged man in a bear suit wearing a dress skipping down the street wearing a walkman listening to cindi lauper’s “girls just want to have fun”.  My day is ruined I’m going home now.


Phew…........ just got back from down the street!!!!!! What…........  I haven’t got a Walkman!!!!!  long face


Mizu rocks a Boombox not a walkman wink


With Twin Cassette Decks!!!!!


styling! haha