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Weekend Riders


Bahahaha I don’t know if that would be classed as lucky! Lol

Anyone else up the snow weekend 20/21 August?


I was talkin about Chucky’s request but hey, spaz loves gettin his pole out for anyone!!!!!

He got it out in front of Chapstick, fatima and eddie!!!!!  big surprise




Oh dear… Boys will be boys!!!


Yeeeeeeeeeeew! Leaving for Thredbo in an our. Thank you spaz and Chucky for saving me a 3am drive! You guys are awesome!  shaka

See you boys soon!

And sorry everyone else, no hoodies last night. :(


All good. By the time you get here, everyone’s keys should be in the bowl, and most will already be naked in the outdoor hot tub.

Ummmmmmm, spaz did explain what he meant when he said “swing by”, right?


Have a good weekend rider!!!


Can’t wait to catch up on Monday rider.

If you want to play with a pole I’ll have to talk you through rigging one up. I took one with me to Sydney and only one is half rigged up laying around. There are cams and a heap of poles there and it’s easy to put one together.


Don’t go muckin around with spaz’s pole too much, rider!!!!!! He might like it!!!!!  hmmm


MIZU!!! back in ya box!!!




ahem ‘cough’ I uh.. just bought a new .. ... ..  I’m sorry, i give up


It rained all night here in Thredbo. Haha I can’t believe their report says 3cm dusting of fresh snow. It rained top to bottom. I sure picked a good day. LOL


I’m sure that ya will still have fun!!!!!

Bad day at the snow ALWAYS trumps a good day at work!!!!!  shaka


Yeh I read the reports on fb and twitter saying 3cm top and bottom and that it will be great riding out there today. Lol fail. But that sucks for you rider, hope it isn’t too bad out there!