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2nd hand gear

Poll: What do you do with your old gear?
Total Votes: 17
give to mate
sell on forums/ebay/etc
trading on forums
give away for free to randoms/good will
Others options?
Mizu Kuma - 27 July 2011 12:23 PM
antisense - 27 July 2011 11:24 AM
snowdragon - 26 July 2011 10:36 PM

I think I’ve always ridden larger equipment than people I’ve hit the snow with- I ride my gear till it dies, macgyver’ing it until the end

You must go through alota cable ties and chewing gum smile

Only if he runs out of gun powder residue from the spent bullet casings!!!!!

you’d be surprised what you can accomplish with everyday materials, duct tape, and a Swiss Army knife


I just sort of retire my stuff, but I’ve owned very little equipment and softgoods overall. My purchases tend to be far and few between, and I’ve mostly spent my money on plane tickets, instead of new boards and outerwear.


Whats your opinion on buying DEMO boards off websites. For example Capita sells their demo boards for like $200-300 cheaper, Worth the price difference??


Id buy demo boards! think of it this way, say you buy a brand spankin new board, no matter how much you take care of it, the first day you go up to the mountains in Aus, an indian wearing jeans on skis will come down on you and your shiny new board scratching the topsheet. The next time you go up, the rain would have fallen and a bunch of rocks are now exposed where you found that awsome natural kink last time and boom you scratch up the base lol in other words save yourself a few bucks and get some DEMO gear, use it and if you dont like it, base grind it, tune it up, wax it and then sell it, youll end up making money wink