The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Its the one that comes in its own bag!!!!
Got “Coleman” written on it!!!!
Does anyone have a picture of the hoodie in real life??
Does anyone have a picture of the hoodie in real life??
Sunday i will
Does anyone have a picture of the hoodie in real life??
Sunday i will
Can’t wait!!! Keen as!!! Do you know when you’ll be passing through Canbrrrr yet rider?
yeh just give mine to mizu. i will meet up with him at falls hopefully
I hate to be the bearer of bad news…
The hoodies are due to arrive at DHL after 5pm this afternoon, which means they won’t be delivered to the pick-up point till Monday morning. I’m going to pick them up as soon as I get back from the snow and they will all be posted out on Tuesday. I’m really sorry about the delay, it’s super annoying! Apologies everyone. I have offered to pick the hoodies up from DHL this evening, but I’m still waiting to hear back on that.
This is the email they sent me last night:
“Your order is on the way at the moment but it seems as though it will arrive at DHL after 5pm. This means that since DHL is closed on the weekend, it will be ready on Monday.
Our factory had a lot of confusion because of your custom art for each hoodie and we had to redo many of them because the print had been placed on the wrong size hoodie. You will definitely be able to get the hoodies on Monday though.
Sorry for putting you in a tough spot, but we want to make sure that we complete your order perfectly with no errors or defects.”
S’alright Rider! Better to have them 100% than trying to fit a “fat man into a little coat” so to speak
all good sunshine. im easy so no big deal.
Thats a bummer. But it would have been a hard order to print, there was many different sizes and graphics. At least you wont get the wrong size or a crap graphic.
haha imagine if they are…
All apply…
what’s the word on the street ???
The ETA is monday in riders hands!!!!
I would make that maybe wednesday, and then prob friday for p&h from the boss to us, or even early the week after!!!!
Just my guess!!!!!
Prize for callin it in???? Lunch at Grandma’s????
All good with me mate, theres not much ya can do with that
S’alright Rider! Better to have them 100% than trying to fit a “fat man into a little coat” so to speak
We’ll find out what that looks like when KFC Boy gets his!!!!