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Did you count the gear changes?

In the first four movies there is a combined total of 873,927 gear changes.

It took ages and really did my head in counting them all.


Hey, you were willing to count back from 1,000,000 - how bad can 874,000 be?


Wow counting gear changes.

Now imagine making that a drinking game, every time they change gear you have a shot.

Hospital anyone???


Instead of drinking a shot, you would have a pull of Nitrous from the mask.

How funny would that game be LOL


We watched Transformers 3D last week. Epic action movie and amazing special effects. Could be the best one of the series. 8.5/10

C J Parker - 11 May 2011 11:34 PM

Wow counting gear changes.

Now imagine making that a drinking game, every time they change gear you have a shot.

Hospital anyone???

We watched 2 fast 2 furious and had a shot each time they said “Bro” or “Brah” and got to something like 25 shots… Good job they were mixed shots and not straight alco or I’d be dead…


This sounds like a game for the Shred!!!!!


Last movie I saw was Bridesmaids… boo it was crap! All the funny parts were in the trailer.

I am hanging to see Harry Potter on Friday night!


Alot of me mates have seen that movie and they loved it….... I’ll wait for the dvd


Saw Captain America last night (for free cheese ), I really enjoyed it.  All those people who left before the credits ended and missed the teaser trailer…


Bliz, Michelle really enjoyed Bridesmaids. She said it was really funny. MY grandma said it was rude with too much swearing.  LOL

I hate the movie previews on TV and especially the long ones at the movies. They show the whole movie in like three minutes. You basically get to know the whole story line minus the conclusion. It’s so stupid! I know you need to entice people to see the movie but it’s a joke how much they show. Seriously turns me off seeing the movie.

Did anyone watch Super 8? I really wanted to see it but missed out. I’ll have to wait for DVD.

We watched X-Men Origins a few weeks ago. I really liked it. Interesting story line. The only weird part was the little cameo by Teacher Boy (Wolverine). Magneto and Professor X are playing teenagers in the movie and Wolverine is the same age as the last few movies. Technically he shouldn’t even be born yet. Huh…


I hate that how they play the whole movie in the preview! My cuz and I always crack the shits bout it. Less is more. Give a little taste of what the movie might be bout and nothing more!

Did you see X-Men Firstclass, or Wolverine? If Magneto and Pro X are teenagers, then you saw First Class the new film. Wolverine was one film before that, and it explains why Wolverine would be old in Origins. It makes sense

rider26 - 28 July 2011 01:15 AM

We watched X-Men Origins a few weeks ago. I really liked it. Interesting story line. The only weird part was the little cameo by Teacher Boy (Wolverine). Magneto and Professor X are playing teenagers in the movie and Wolverine is the same age as the last few movies. Technically he shouldn’t even be born yet. Huh…

Actually Wolverine was born in 1882, his Mutant starts as a child when is full On at manhood where his aging cycle rapidly decreases as healing factor increases which is why he looks older when Magneto and Xavier are young.
You should see “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”, it left out (obviously) a lot from the comic, but the movie was fantastic,  job by teacher boy.. imean hugh jackman was quite well done.


Disclaimer: Snowdragon knows a fair bit about Wolverine, and will insist Wolverine is the best X-Men character. Snowdragon’s opinion is biased, and may have something to do with the large amount of Wolverine comics locked away in his parent’s basement.  Other X-men worthiness opinions are always welcome with Snowdragon, as long as you know he is right and you are wrong smirk


Yeh thats it. The movie was sick, and it obvously could have explained more. But it explains enough about how old he is and how he has lived his life.

LOL what can I say, I am the Boy From Oz after all!


Yea, really involved character, growing up on a mining colony, living in the wilderness among wolves, returning to civilization to resdie with the Blackfoot Indians, ushered into the canadian military during World War I when his partner dies, i could go on and on..
but will shut up now zipper

LOL Boy from Oz!! You and Hugh should do a duet smile