The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Shred Fix


That’s really cool. What location is that?


Mum & Dad’s backyard wink

East Gippsland, Lakes Entrance.

spaz - 10 November 2009 04:31 PM

Has winter finished? Oh crap it’s November!

I’ve been struggling to get a couple of customer headCam videos edited from winter, between that; watching the snow melt, driving to Sydney on overnight trips then back the next day, NOT SURFING- I so need to get in some salt water, NOT SNOWBOARDING - haven’t had the time to go BC.

I have to build a new website for summer mountain biking and only have 2 weeks haven’t started or even thought about it yet.

My daughters 6th birthday is on Friday, she has school assembley that morning in Jindi, she is speaking at it and has to be there, that arvo is her Alice in Wonderland party in Wollongong (5hr drive), it’s my job to get her from Jindi to Austimere. On Sunday my sister is haveing a 14pound baby.

Then there is the editing I want to do for snocam, edting I have to do for a drama class for a movie they’re making, editing the family want….

Plus I’m running HotShots for summer and have to find time to take photo’s and keep the shop open…

And I’m doing the odd shift as a waiter.

It’s been way to busy to notice winter finished or that I’m not on a board.



its a small world….im sitting here in Austi editing some snowboarding stuff and i read this…..although i managed to get some waves this morning ( it was actually pretty good, head high plus today). Im fairly certain Austinmer has the highest per capita number of snowboarders outside a mountain area in the world lol