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2nd hand gear

Poll: What do you do with your old gear?
Total Votes: 17
give to mate
sell on forums/ebay/etc
trading on forums
give away for free to randoms/good will
Others options?

Did a search nothing came up
So new thread it is

ive got a pair of 32 9.5 boot ...decent condition
normal wear and tear.. definitely still functioning correctly (kink in liner string but does not impact performance)

liner moves around a bit on me…which is why i lined up a new pair of boots
probably wont ever use them again as i already have another spare pair around the house.
a little unsure what i should do with them

while on the topic also got
a pair of sz M union cadets (minus the hardware) which i will not touch now i got DS45 and union contacts
pair of rome e-special gloves
smith scope air goggles
RED mutiny helmet (structurally still sound though the ear pieces moves a lot which i think is a design fault more than anything)
which i am kind of looking to get rid of

none of my friends want/wear any of my old gear cause they all got their own



I usually pass on all my used gear to friends, family friends, or anyone that needs gear. Once something is used extensively, it’s really worth close to nothing - as much as we think otherwise. I hate the thought of it just sitting there for years not being used. So I try to go through my stuff once a year and give away anything I don’t need. I’m a lot happier knowing someone might get use out of it.


Start a classified or free to good home thread.

BTW where r u located humding?


Yeah i do the same thing, just keep it and me mates use it… But if the gear isnt looking that good, its to the bin with you


Sydney inner west

hmm ill stew on it for abit no rush to offload lol


I generally give/sell gear to mates if they are after new stuff.

That reminds me.. I need to throw my ride delta’s up on ebay haha


I have kept lots of my gear. I use it when I am taking mates, or trying to convince mates to go to the snow and try boarding for the first time. I tell them I have all the gear for them they just need to pay for other stuff like tix and expenses. It makes them more likely to say yeh im gonna go give it a crack. The people I have done that with have ended up hooked and buying their own gear almost straight away. Besides I love to keep a collection of boards, just to have on the wall. And my older outerwear, is good for the use I just mentioned, but it is getting a bit smelly, so not really worth giving to someone for keeps

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 26 July 2011 08:30 AM

I have kept lots of my gear. I use it when I am taking mates, or trying to convince mates to go to the snow and try boarding for the first time. I tell them I have all the gear for them they just need to pay for other stuff like tix and expenses. It makes them more likely to say yeh im gonna go give it a crack. The people I have done that with have ended up hooked and buying their own gear almost straight away. Besides I love to keep a collection of boards, just to have on the wall. And my older outerwear, is good for the use I just mentioned, but it is getting a bit smelly, so not really worth giving to someone for keeps

^ I pretty much do the same, gets mates heaps more keen to come up when they don’t have to spend a heap of money hiring all their gear.

Got 2 of my mates hooked on boarding by doing this, now we’re up almost every weekend. They went out and bought all their own stuff, and a few others come up more often knowing that i have stuff for them to use cheese


i have kept pretty much every piece of snowboarding equipment i have ever bought…with the exception of stuff bought to sell and make money!
as crappy as my 2001 model salomon daniel frank board is by todays standards… i cant bring myself to sell it, just loan it out to friends etc


Yeah the same as most everyone else I use my old stuff to facilitate getting my mates down there more often.  Unfortunately the mates I can convince to come with me are never the same size as me which sucks.  I’m an XL in most stuff, size 12 boots, L bindings.  My mate who has come with me most often is XXL, Size 14 boots, XL bindings.  Another mate is M-L, size 9-10 boots and M-L bindings.  The guys who are exactly my size have kids and families so harder to convince.


I think I’ve always ridden larger equipment than people I’ve hit the snow with- I ride my gear till it dies, macgyver’ing it until the end


kept most of it. i gave some away when oz snow tours(or liquid snow tours? i forget) were doing a massive snow clothing run to japan after the tsunami


Give it away/Sell it/Swap it/Bin it!!!!!!

I like to mix it up a bit!!!!!  rocker


I take really good care of my gear, so as long as it’s in really good condition, I’ll sell it. Not that great, and I’ll give it away - especially if I know the recipient will definitely use/appreciate it.

I’m terrible when it comes to buying snow gear though. I’ve bought stuff on a whim, and never even used it - and I’ve got sooooooooo much outerwear, I could easily go more than a week wearing completely different stuff every day. Time for a massive garage sale I reckon! What’s the policy here on letting others know about stuff people may have for sale?

snowdragon - 26 July 2011 10:36 PM

I think I’ve always ridden larger equipment than people I’ve hit the snow with- I ride my gear till it dies, macgyver’ing it until the end

You must go through alota cable ties and chewing gum smile

antisense - 27 July 2011 11:24 AM
snowdragon - 26 July 2011 10:36 PM

I think I’ve always ridden larger equipment than people I’ve hit the snow with- I ride my gear till it dies, macgyver’ing it until the end

You must go through alota cable ties and chewing gum smile

Only if he runs out of gun powder residue from the spent bullet casings!!!!!