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Decide on the future for K2….

Poll: Should K2/Brad/Hugh Jackman go to Whistler..
Total Votes: 21

it’s an easy question..

I’m hoping peer pressure will get him to step out of the classroom raspberry

*The results from this thread are final, there will be no room for negotiation afterwards as the forum members vote is final.


Do it K2, you know you want too


Does this mean that he will no longer be a Teacher Boy????


Do it. A friend of mine and his wife waited too long and by then his wife was classed as ‘too old’ and couldn’t work while they were living there.


If the opportunity is there he should do every thing he can to make it happen and ignore every excuse to not go.


If you don’t you will be kicking yourself for the next 100 lifetimes.


do it you guy


I can picture it now…

It’s mid January in Whistler. Teacher Boy has been spotted at the top of Peak Chair. He’s already done a lap down Doom and Gloom. He has a massive grin on his face. He bombs it over to VD Trees. Drops in and makes a couple of waist deep powder slashes in the trees. From below, Jeremy and finney hear K2 shouting…

“Best decision ever! Winning! Winning!”

As they spot Hugh Jackman flying through the trees.

grin <——K2 after the run in question.


K2, the tribe has spoken.. it’s time for you to go!! hehehe


LOL love it Jez!
Its definately what I want. Just gotta make the decision with what Im going to do along with how flexible they will be with me. The hard part is my position is very unique at the school. Other schools dont have a “me” really. And I really do LOVE my job. But I love boarding more, so that will win out cool smirk

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 26 July 2011 12:33 AM

LOL love it Jez!
Its definately what I want. Just gotta make the decision with what Im going to do along with how flexible they will be with me. The hard part is my position is very unique at the school. Other schools dont have a “me” really. And I really do LOVE my job. But I love boarding more, so that will win out cool smirk

What is your job at the school that other schools dont really have?

And what sort of job are you able to get / Jez can get you in Whistler? And then what sort of price is accom / season pass / food?

Just being realistic but you need these things sorted first.


Hell I’d like to go to Whistler and do a season but I like my job as well… It would have to be something pretty sweet over there to entice… lol (apart from the obvious snowboarding)


just do a month in japan

Gamblor - 26 July 2011 01:50 AM

just do a month in japan

Thats the goal for 2012/13 winter. But this coming winter I really want to get across to BC to ride with Jez, Michelle, finney and any other BW crew there.


You guys are young. Jobs will come and go. Opportunities will come and go. You only live once. It’s something everyone should experience, at least once. When you’re over there you’ll know what I mean. TJ, you should get your ass over there too. I’ll debate this one till the cows come home! (that’s an expression, right?)  raspberry


Michelle is at Flight Centre booking our flights right now. We are leaving Sydney on November 24th (would have been earlier but my friend’s wedding is on the 20th) and getting back in mid May. We have eight days in Hawaii on the way home. Flights are pretty cheap at the moment!


Till the cows come home

Meaning: For a long but indefinite time.

Cows are notoriously languid creatures and make their way home at their own unhurried pace. That’s certainly the imagery behind ‘till the cows come home’ or ‘until the cows come home’, but the precise time and place of the coining of this colloquial phrase isn’t known. It was certainly before 1829 though, and may well have been in Scotland. The phrase appeared in print in The Times in January that year, when the paper reported a suggestion of what the Duke of Wellington should do if he wanted to maintain a place as a minister in Peel’s cabinet:

If the Duke will but do what he unquestionably can do, and propose a Catholic Bill with securities, he may be Minister, as they say in Scotland “until the cows come home.”