The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




The poster “kills”  Gary the gnat off, but only after first saving him from the previous posters method of doom!!!!!

^^^^^^^^ GARY the GNAT ^^^^^^^^


Poster 1 : Gary get’s flattened under the foot of a rather large elderly woman


Poster 2 : Gary amazing survives the flattening by being in a small divot that was just big enough, that it stopped him from being compressed,

        But as soon as Gary got up to fly away, a humming bird swooped down and clenched his little head between the sharp edges of its beak


continue on,


By flapping his wings, Gary pushes dust into the humming bird’s eyes causing him to crash into a tree and drop Gary.

But Gary is knocked out from the collision and is falling to his doom.


Until a passing truck filled with cotton wool, safely catches Gary while he gains consciousness.

But as soon as he comes to, he gets a wad of the cotton wool stuck in his throat and starts to choke.


sorry, is Gary a Gat or a Gnat?


Hahahhahaaa!!!! Ya know I just changed it before readin ya post!!!!!  shut eye

Now get back to entertainin the members!!!!!!  hmmm


Gary is choking on the cotton wool when a female gnat named Gertrude comes and saves him by sucking the wool out of his mouth.

They get into a relationship and after a few weeks, Gary finds Gertrude standing over him weilding a sharp knife…


Yet Gertrude is only askin Gary how he likes his wiener sliced

And after seconds of that question being asked, gertrude cuts his wiener, it flies across the back of the truck and lodges itself in Gary’s eye socket, that pushes his eye into his brain instantly putting him into a coma.


A few days later, new breakthrough medical research resulting from the work of Dr Chapstick, a Spanish brain surgeon, brings Gary out of his coma. Within weeks, Gary is feeling better than ever before, working out at gym seven days a week.

Until one day at gym, Gary slips on a banana peel in the bathroom and gets lodged in the drain pipe.


Just as the drainpipe is most certainly about to fill with a mix of fatima’s body wash and left over kebab pieces, and drown Gary, the council calls a snap water restriction and cuts supply instantly.

He manages to work himself loose due to the soap scum that went into the drain previously, cleaned himself off, got dressed and as he was walking out of the automatic doors of the gym, they closed on him, crushing him between the doors, due to the sensor not detecting his miniscule body.