The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Shred Fix


oh alpacas too!


The backyard isn’t huge but we live right on a park. My last dog was also a Border Collie cross. My sister runs about 10km a day, and my grandma lives in the same street as us, so there’s always someone to look after him/take him for a walk/play in the park. Some days I work from home which helps also. Trixie and Abbie look like awesome dogs!


Jeremy, that pup looks like he is ready to just open up and get wild!
cute though of course.

I find that if I have time, I’ll put on all my gear and bounce around in my board on the carpet at home.
Videos help, and hanging out on snowboard messageboards helps too.

the post-winter blues is a difficult one.
And in the southeast US where I am, sometimes the winter blues set in because summer is over, but winter isnt here yet. there is plenty of snow in other place, but not down south yet.

Skateboarding can be a good transition. If you dont or cant skate, try it, even if just longboarding and cruising around, it is a great way to learn switch riding too, because it increases your comfort level with riding switch and moving in that direction.
Just get outside and do something… go for a hike or walk instead of drive somewhere. get your legs in shape!


Has winter finished? Oh crap it’s November!

I’ve been struggling to get a couple of customer headCam videos edited from winter, between that; watching the snow melt, driving to Sydney on overnight trips then back the next day, NOT SURFING- I so need to get in some salt water, NOT SNOWBOARDING - haven’t had the time to go BC.

I have to build a new website for summer mountain biking and only have 2 weeks haven’t started or even thought about it yet.

My daughters 6th birthday is on Friday, she has school assembley that morning in Jindi, she is speaking at it and has to be there, that arvo is her Alice in Wonderland party in Wollongong (5hr drive), it’s my job to get her from Jindi to Austimere. On Sunday my sister is haveing a 14pound baby.

Then there is the editing I want to do for snocam, edting I have to do for a drama class for a movie they’re making, editing the family want….

Plus I’m running HotShots for summer and have to find time to take photo’s and keep the shop open…

And I’m doing the odd shift as a waiter.

It’s been way to busy to notice winter finished or that I’m not on a board.


Sounds hectic Seb, I know the feeling. But it’s always better being busy than bored… wink


But its better to be busy boarding than busy or bored wink

Tambazz - 05 November 2009 07:11 PM
golfpunklegend - 05 November 2009 12:55 AM

Hey, has anyone used this stuff?

My mate has, i have ridden on it, but he left it out in the rain for a few days whilst he was out so it got fairly wrecked. It can last a while if you keep it properly like in a few covered buckets. It works surprisingly well.
The only downside is riding in this heat, your feet start cooking about 5 minutes in


So if the run in was covered in a tarp so the sun & rain keeps off it when not in use, it would last a while?

From what I understand, it is just really slippery?


Yeah that snowgel stuff looks pretty cool. I wonder if you can just put it on any old carpet or if the one they sell is different somehow.

Tambazz - 11 November 2009 01:23 PM

So if the run in was covered in a tarp so the sun & rain keeps off it when not in use, it would last a while?

From what I understand, it is just really slippery?

It kinda feels like snow, minus the coldness. It is quite slippery. I would advise putting something underneath. You can use astroturf. No need for that carpet stuff they are selling.


I dont know if your from sydney but we usually get our ice for free from penrith ice skating rink or behind the liverpool catholic clubs ice rink they have a hockey team of sorts (funny that a church has a team for a sport where they go out and inflict pain and beat the shit outta each other) If you call a few days in advance, they usually are cool with dumping the ice/snow out the back as long as you pick it up cause they could cop a fine for dumping it.
We usually give them a case to keep them happy and willing to help for the next time.

Thats what we do during summer boring nights. If its not to hot and you cover it with a tarp by morning theres usually a few hours of hits left in it. depending on the set up and slope/runway


Last time we did the ice thing was Australia day ‘04. We trucked in 4 tonnes of ice from the local fisherman’s co-op.
We had 5 hours of riding before the ice and us were trashed.


that is a very sweet gig, tambazz! fisherman’s co-op…. how much did you have to pay for 4 tonnes of ice???


hey cool!
Thanks for sharing the pics. looks like a big operation to get that together, but what a fun time, I am sure!
that is the way to build memories.


We got a ‘mates rate’........ aka a slab of beer.

Lots of BBQ & beer in the months leading up to the big event building the ramp, many great memories.