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Scooters in the Skatepark: We Ask the Pros


As creator of the “Destroy All Scooters” Facebook page, Skateboarder and scooter hater, I think it’s my time to step in and have my say..

First up. I hate scooters, not only are they the worst looking styled invention ever (feet together, hands together, hunched over), now thousands of kids are flocking the parks to roll back and forth and snake everyone there without even knowing.. 

Their parents have no idea what danger they are putting their kids in until it’s too late, Ive seen scooter kids snap their arms, smash glasses into their eye and bleed everywhere, I’ve even slammed into children very hard… They have no idea at all.

They think it’s a playground, but they couldn’t be more wrong, it’s dangerous, it takes etiquette, skill and timing to skate/ride a park.
As said earlier, you wouldn’t throw your kids out in the ocean without teaching them how to swim, that is exactly how it is with skateparks and etiquette!

Then there is the argument of skill, yes I also do not like scooters because kids think that riding a scooter through the park and up a ramp takes skill, makes them cocky little smart-alecs. Try doing that on a board!

Sure people say oh they are only kids, exactly!!! Kids need to stay home, in the playground or in the driveway!

As for the older ‘sponsored’ scooter riders, what a joke! They have 14 year olds turning pro.. how does that even work?
The taller they are the worse they look haha,

Im just rambling now, I’ve had years of arguing my hatred for scooters, they are even affecting skate sales in australia and only now starting to grow in popularity world wide.

Pedro is right! haha


They are some pretty fair points from Baskwith there. I don’t hate them as much as some people (probably cause I don’t skate that much anymore) but they are kinda ridiculous.
I’ve noticed parents take their really young kids to the park on a skateboard or even a bike and watch over them so carefully but for some reason they will give them a scooter because it’s easier and say go play in the park with out supervision. And all the skaters have to deal with that and get snaked or feel like crap when they accidently hurt a kid how hasn’t been taught the basic rules of riding there.

But mostly I just can’t see the point in them in the first place. I’ve seen a kid who is about 14 and is “sponsored” and he already looks way to big for it. In a year or 2 he will have completely out grown it. So what’s the point?


scooter riders have no idea wats going on , and slowly are taking over .... RIDING A SCOOTER IS NOT FUCKING HARD SOOO FUCKK OFFFFF .. HAHA


scooters *shakes head* well done the toss who made them, sure they probz got alot of money but scooters are bloody gay. i reckon, and i quote zombieland (funny movie) ‘its time to nut up or shut up.’ scooter fags should just get up on a board.


They do look ridiculous- even more so in a park! What will kids get sponsored for next, freestyle walking?

snowdragon - 07 July 2011 04:10 AM

They do look ridiculous- even more so in a park! What will kids get sponsored for next, freestyle walking?

LOL freestyle walking might actually be an improvement to scooters.


i am so sick of scooters at my local
every time i go there i have homicidal thoughts


i belive that scootering people have just as much right to be at a skate park as a skateboarder or a BMX rider, im a fello scooterer and very nooby skateboarder, i don’t see why people hate us so much, it just comes easyer to be on two wheeles than on 4, and not all scooterer’s are bad, its the person who’s behide it, i say don’t dis it!! Espesually if you havn’t eaven tryed it!!!


Respect gets respect. If you respect other people in the skateparks and you are aware of other people and the dangers, then I see no problem. Unfortunately the majority of kids on scooters know nothing about skateparks, and that makes it a dangerous place for them, which is why skaters get pissed off.




Exactly rider, its all about the park etiquette. The majority of scooter riders do not know any skate park etiquette. That is where the problem lies.

Mizu Kuma - 15 June 2011 01:59 AM

People get the shits with Esky Lidders and Goat Boaters in the surf too, but if they were ridin boards they would STILL be another number in the water!!!!!

If the scooter kids are gettin in the way it has nothin to do with what they are on, cause they are still gonna get in the way even if they are on a board!!!!!

Just like skiers, it doesn’t don’t bother me at all!!!!! The only time I have an issue is if they look down at someone for bein on a board!!!!!

my thoughts exactly


skoot shreding the gnar.

O yeah fellas absolutely end all solution to this arguement, come skate some 14 foot vert with me or any transition over 7ft, little fagots never touch it, could guarantee would never see any little fag droping vert.

First off, ive just worked 9 hours at work i want to go down have a nice relaxing session, most likely with a beer and a smoke, so relaxing, with little scooters plaguing the park, skooting around without a care in the world, standing over coping trying to drop before its their turn, ruining a steezy as 5-0, just to do a flyout and yell to his little fag friend did u see that tailwhip allmost landed that.( have a good look any scooter on a mini ramp or bowl will 99% be doing this)

Yeah bit hard to relax hey, yeh i just knocked off work to teach 20 freakin scoots park etiquete every day, yeah im gona do that. Put ure money where your mouth is come down and teach these little shits some park etiquette every day. Try enjoy ure session after uve just told them and they still do it. Then there scoot goes on the road or the bin.
Cant compare this shit with anything to do with snowboarding. Realy dont have any place in the arguement if uve never riden in a skatepark.

Damm that was a rant, part 2

Dont mind scoots as a branch to skateboarding or BMX, both extremely valuable life skills.(not talking pro or sponserships)
Scootering long term is absolute waist of time, teaches you absolutely no life skills, skateboarding and BMX is a skill for life.
Have u ever seen a scoot kid over the age of 17-18, yeah incredibly hard to find. Most have all castrated themselfs for only figuring out there an absolute faget so late, and theve just waisted so much time at getting good at something for nothing. Mosk of em do it 8-15 becuase they think its the cool thing to do, it most likely is around that age group. But first and foremost there absolutely no future in scooting, no point in getting any sorta skill for it.
When they could have been learning something worthwhile, ie sports, instrument, school w/e and use those skills for life.

Major point here i dont want my time waisted and getting pissed off daily course some little faget is trying to be cool, and there going to finish with the homo sport by the time there 15.

Im happy to help a little dude starting out in a park, becuase there is a possibly they get realy into it and turns into a life long partner for them.
Ive got so much to thank the skating lifestyle for, as helped me out of so many holes. Alchohol addictions, substance addictions and has generally keeped me from getting into further trouble.
Meet so many life friends from parks, all over the world, has created such a network. Can pretty much go to any western country have a mates couch to crash on.

What the F does skooting have? 
Damm right its got nothing. So break that damm skoot over ure head and stop pissing all of us off.

Same goes for ripsticks or w/e stupid devices people bring down to skateparks.

Sorry bout the ultra long post, never realy vented much bout skoots before, but skating in canada skoot free, reminded me how chilling a skatepark can be without skating vert.


I’m not a big fan of scooters but I don’t mind the riders too much if they’ve got respect and follow basic etiquette. I agree with the ratio about scooters outnumbering everyone at the skatepark though, that’s admittedly annoying.