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To the extreme!

tjswish - 06 July 2011 07:59 AM

Hahahahaha TJ…...
P.S. Learn 2 Engrish…

Mizu Kuma - 06 July 2011 08:08 AM
tjswish - 06 July 2011 07:59 AM

Hahahahaha TJ…...
P.S. Learn 2 Engrish…

Sorry Grandad… It’s leetspeak.

tjswish - 06 July 2011 08:14 AM
Mizu Kuma - 06 July 2011 08:08 AM
tjswish - 06 July 2011 07:59 AM

Hahahahaha TJ…...
P.S. Learn 2 Engrish…

Sorry Grandad… It’s leetspeak.

Well speak properly, and not that “leetspeak” crap, or you can go to bed without any supper!!!!!  tongue laugh


Pissed off to the EXTREME about the footy!!!

fast eddie - 06 July 2011 12:48 PM

Pissed off to the EXTREME about the footy!!!



I’m reading Boardworld forums WHILE cooking 2 eggs in the other room. In the same skillet. While the fresh wax sets on the snowboard outside. EXTREME SUNDAY MORNING!!!!



not that extreme but i almost sh!t myself.

Went to the eureka building yesterday, then went out on “The Edge”*, now considering i am sh!t scared of heights it was kinda scary. after about 10 seconds of thinking im going to die it was cool.



Hahahahaa!!!!! That sort of shit freaks me out too deano!!!!!

Whenever ya do those things it’s like the mind is sayin “everythin is OK dude, it can take the weight of an elephant”, but the legs are sayin “I think we need a zimmer frame to get out on this puppy”!!!!


haha pretty much. i mae sure i was standing on the steel frame and not the glass panels!


Oh man I was way too soft to do the edge at Eureka Tower! Being up that high was enough for me.

I did though like how the floor sloped towards the windows to give you that vertigo feeling! EXTREME!!!


I’ve leaned up against the glass in the Sears Tower in Chicago (Ferris Beuller style) that was Extreme enough for me. Glass floors that high up? No Thanks!!!!


when we first got there i didnt know the floor sloped and i freaked out when i was sliding/walking towards the glass!


This Guy is EXTREMELY Pissed off at changes made to Diablo 3 . . I almost put this in Worst thing seen on the Internet.. but after the Extreme effort I put into actually watching it all . . .

tjswish - 06 July 2011 08:14 AM
Mizu Kuma - 06 July 2011 08:08 AM
tjswish - 06 July 2011 07:59 AM

Hahahahaha TJ…...
P.S. Learn 2 Engrish…

Sorry Grandad… It’s leetspeak.

i thought it was

l33tsp3ak .....