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anyone play xbox?


going to try to get a copy of stoked from the UK….tide me over for snow fix until japan.

and the new game stoked big air edition looks rad…even got the new yes boards.


Yeah whatever happened to stoked? I know it was only released in the US originally. Is it now out in the UK? I guess they wont bother releasing it in Aus? Im pretty sure UK games work on our xbox though? Might have to order it too - looks like the only half decent snowboarding game. For buying games online I find ebay or good (just checked a PAL version is not on play asia yet).


yeah europe finally got its release a few weeks ago, i’m already buying a new copy from ebay-uk for about $43aud delivered so thats a bonus… but yeah i emailed the developers, the distributors and even absinthe about it. they all seemed reluctant to give you proper info about why it was held up, but it seems destineer who had the distribution rights didnt want to spend the money on a EU PAL release. so a new company bargained for the EU rights. now on the the eve of it being released a new version with tighter graphics, new gear, new riders and new game modes is about to come out in november…. maybe they just jumped the gun releasing the original before it was really ready to compete with SWS.

the video’s for the new one look amazing again…and the rider list is sick. STOKED - BIG AIR EDITION. maybe it will find it’s way to stores here….who knows

(on the xbox australia site they had stoked on the upcoming games list for months…now it’s gone-seems not even microsoft can keep up with game devs)


Well I’m definitely gonna try check out the new version! Hopefully it comes here, otherwise will get it shipped out from Europe.


No time for video games.
Wifey bought me a PS2 years ago - it was not a good idea… I wasted a lot of hours on that one.
It is fun to share with friends though.


Got an Xbox as a present, finished the 1 game, and then never bothered to go get more games as i stopped playing it a while back now.


Stoked arrived today, after borrowing a copy of fable2 which is pretty fun…. Its now back onto a decent boarding game, it really is fun although its not exactly plug n play…. Interesting learning curve, but a very realistic trick control system…. Cant wait to ride in the first big dump that comes along.


Better than Shaun White? That was a big dissapointment, I expect a full Banger review of this one smile


Full banger review to come later once i have played it a bit more….
but for now after a few hours it’s hard to say if it’s better overall…as i kind of enjoyed SWS if only for the fact that it was the first new snowboard game in a while.
i find the concepts in the game better than the tony hawk ripoff style of SWS. stoked is more like EA’s Skate franchise. but there are a few things i would have liked to see implemented that ARE in SWS. it’s closer to amped 2 in realism with very good physics but backcountry oriented. the graphics are very lush, particularly the snow/powder effects. but there are definately things missing from the game…like hiking properly and there are no replays of good lines etc. also the ability to build kickers etc would make this game incredible. there is a new version being released in november however not sure if it is getting distribution here…. has been refined somewhat but until it comes out i dont know what exactly they have addressed…
more to come.


Wouldn’t mind a boarding game, last one I played was 1080, i vivdly remember I got the shits with the lack of reality and used to ride down the mountain trying to make it look as realistic as possible, pretty much the same as kelly slater surfing, we used to have comps between us of who could get the best scores doing realistic moves only, that pretty much rules out most of the aerial moves as they were just ridiculous.


regarding the new version - big air - with new stuff in it and better graphics, I heard its coming out here. Check out this website. Apparently its coming out 12 Nov.


fingers crossed eh…sounds sick, trailers look promising.