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BW w/end Shredders


^^^ hahahahaha its only for fashion dont stess…..


such a sick day so much better then the weekend before!!! couldnt of asked 4 better weather, cant wait 2 do it all again yewwwwww


looks like you might have some freshies if the predictions are anything to go by!


Freshies already had today cords.


I’m just going to upload what I’ve done with the vid. I’ve got so much on and I’m so exhausted.

Sorry Flying_gernad I didn’t include you in any of the titles, I’m just so tired and am about to fall asleep.
Tomorrow is a party day/night, slopestyle is on, dinner at Bernties for two local girls, KT is opening Keller for us.
And then there is the meter of snow forecast.



yewwwwwww sweeet edit spaz!!!! cant wait 2 get back down there


Nice one spaz. Looks like a fun day. Did i notice a 20ft Punters Gap on Eddie’s forehead @ 7.57? LOL


Damn I can’t watch it on my iPhone

fast eddie - 18 July 2011 10:05 PM

Damn I can’t watch it on my iPhone

Eddie, hit quote on spaz’s post, take the vimeo number, then just open a new window type and paste the number. then you can watch it on ur phone.

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 18 July 2011 10:09 PM
fast eddie - 18 July 2011 10:05 PM

Damn I can’t watch it on my iPhone

Eddie, hit quote on spaz’s post, take the vimeo number, then just open a new window type and paste the number. then you can watch it on ur phone.

Thanks man

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 18 July 2011 09:40 PM

Nice one spaz. Looks like a fun day. Did i notice a 20ft Punters Gap on Eddie’s forehead @ 7.57? LOL

Hahahahaha how good is it… I even spiked my hair for it Woooo hooo

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 18 July 2011 09:40 PM

Nice one spaz. Looks like a fun day. Did i notice a 20ft Punters Gap on Eddie’s forehead @ 7.57? LOL


Nice edit spaz!!!!!

Bring on Sunday!!!!! Yeeewwww!!!!!


Looks good spaz cool smile


at the 40sec mark thats Gernud not fatima