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BW w/end Shredders


Looks like a sick weekend. Was going to try and catch up with you guys but was already riding with a fairly large group…

That box looked like fun but the gap between the takeoff and the slide was sketchy as shit so I didn’t attempt it. + I’m still trying to work on my boardslides… had a few attempts but ended up on my ass more than landing them.

Our video may take a few days as I want it to be as good as I can make it…

tjswish - 18 July 2011 12:40 AM

Looks like a sick weekend. Was going to try and catch up with you guys but was already riding with a fairly large group…

That box looked like fun but the gap between the takeoff and the slide was sketchy as shit so I didn’t attempt it. + I’m still trying to work on my boardslides… had a few attempts but ended up on my ass more than landing them.

Our video may take a few days as I want it to be as good as I can make it…

There will be another day mate no stress!!!

oh well practise makes perfect… I always eat shit trying things but its just gotta be done shaka

A few days?? I want to see of of the chain edit then wink

fast eddie - 18 July 2011 02:17 AM
tjswish - 18 July 2011 12:40 AM

Looks like a sick weekend. Was going to try and catch up with you guys but was already riding with a fairly large group…

That box looked like fun but the gap between the takeoff and the slide was sketchy as shit so I didn’t attempt it. + I’m still trying to work on my boardslides… had a few attempts but ended up on my ass more than landing them.

Our video may take a few days as I want it to be as good as I can make it…

There will be another day mate no stress!!!

oh well practise makes perfect… I always eat shit trying things but its just gotta be done shaka

A few days?? I want to see of of the chain edit then wink

It’s not that it will take that long, just got work during the day and then going through so much footage to get the good stuff might take a while. Tomorrow my housemate isn’t home (and he loves making videos and will kill me if I do it all myself) and Wednesday we have soccer. So if we don’t finish tonight, it probably won’t be done till Thursday! :(


Oh well looks like ya gonna have to chuck a sickie to get it done!!!  smile


we are only waiting there because the galapagous land turtle fatima cant get up!!

flying_gernud - 18 July 2011 05:10 AM

we are only waiting there because the galapagous land turtle fatima cant get up!!

Hahahahahaa!!!!!! Was there food on the ground????

Mizu Kuma - 18 July 2011 05:16 AM
flying_gernud - 18 July 2011 05:10 AM

we are only waiting there because the galapagous land turtle fatima cant get up!!

Hahahahahaa!!!!!! Was there food on the ground????

there was for about 1 second them hoover mouth got there



I hope that no kids were injured when they skied too close to his mouth???

Mizu Kuma - 18 July 2011 05:30 AM


I hope that no kids were injured when they skied too close to his mouth???

hahahahaha LOL  I believe the Milo train is MIA cause it got to close to him

fast eddie - 18 July 2011 05:37 AM
Mizu Kuma - 18 July 2011 05:30 AM


I hope that no kids were injured when they skied too close to his mouth???

hahahahaha LOL  I believe the Milo train is MIA cause it got to close to him

Cause he thought that it was made of Milo????


That’s awesome, boys! I wish I was down there this weekend. Looks like it was a blast!

Only downer is Eddie’s Lakers jersey.  raspberry

rider26 - 18 July 2011 06:29 AM

That’s awesome, boys! I wish I was down there this weekend. Looks like it was a blast!

Only downer is Eddie’s Lakers jersey.  raspberry

I know right… should be D-Rose!


Anything but Lakers… I guess even a Bulls jersey would do.

rider26 - 18 July 2011 06:46 AM

Anything but Lakers… I guess even a Bulls jersey would do.

Haha Agreed!

I’d even go as far to say he could be wearing a Lebroom Cavs Jersey…

rider26 - 18 July 2011 06:29 AM

That’s awesome, boys! I wish I was down there this weekend. Looks like it was a blast!

Only downer is Eddie’s Lakers jersey.  raspberry

Hahahahaha yeah Jez shittest jersey eva, don’t worry mate we have been giving him so much beef over it lol