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awesome weekends tell the tale

just thought i would make a topic of awesome weekend stories as lately i have had a few and im guessing most of you have as well its that time of year

friday night went to a friends house and drank probably about 2 bottles of wine totally loished fell asleep at like 2 and woke up at about 8 to a text from my friend keen for a surf, drove home surfed all day then drove to margaret river that night for a party in the middle of i dont know where, got back to margs town in this big bus at like 3 in the morning then walked about an hour through tuart forest to get to my friends house, eventually went to bed at about 5 then got woken up at about 7 to drive my friend back to dunsborough for work, i eventually got into my own bed at ten in the morning slept till 7 tonight and thats about my story.
ps. havent showered yet


Mate, thats a big weekend, now go have a shower dude !!!!!!!

We Drank some wines Friday, went to bed at a reasonable hour, watched a DVD in bed.
Saturday morning, drove up to Dinner Plain, cleaned our home for the winter out for the last time (tears) then headed to Hotham for a late lunch at Zirky’s.
Headed home via the Dargo High Plains Road, very muddy and slippery, lots of fun.
Sunday had a sleep in then weeded, cleaned, built shelves & storage for snow gear, dug a trench…....... just worked our buts off at home.

Now it is Monday and the kids are back at school, enjoying the peace and quiet. Best do some work.


Oh, I best wash the car too, our white car is now brown, can’t even see the back number plate anymore!!!!!!!


Probably the best weekend I ever had was when a mate asked me to be his best man at his wedding.  As the best mans job is primarily to organise the bucks the bucks weekend I was pretty happy about it.  Organised a 3 night stay in a 2 story penthouse on the beach at Broady on the Goldy and the apartment directly below as well.  The apartment had 2 42” plasma tv’s decent stereo, 10 seater spa on the first floor balcony, another balcony on the second floor that had a sauna as well.  The place was awesome and they didn’t seem to mind when we rocked up with a shitload of beer either. 

The first night was pretty full on, had a surf that arvo, then got straight into the spa and started drinking, had a few beers at Hollywood (some or all of you will know what this is) and then hit Cavill Av proper.  Don’t remember much but it was fun.  Next morning a few sore heads but went for a surf anyway then a quick breakfast and picked up some supplies, read: beer.

Me and a couple of the boys spent the entire day sitting on banana lounges in the spa soaking up the sun and drinking coronas.  That night we had three chicks turn up as bikini waitresses for about 3 hours.  I got so smashed that night I didn’t make it out, well not proper;y, I made it out of the lift and have no idea what happened from there other than I woke up in the garden early in the morning with mysterious scratching and bruising.  That morning I get upstairs to find one of the boys has dragged home a penthouse pet, showed us the mag she was in as well, pretty funny.  We go out to breakfast and I get a call from one of the other boys who didn’t make it home.  The guys who made it out hit the casino and then Cavill Av again and he the mate calling was last seen deep in conversation with a cougar.

Old mate is on the phone asking for the address of our hotel, I tell him and he realises he’s only 5 mins away.  The rest of us are standing outside after coming home from breakfast waiting to see who is dropping off our other mate.  A gunmetal grey Lotus Esprit pulls up and out he climbs to cheers from all of us, no idea what the cougar thought of this but it was damn funny. 

The last night I pulled it together and actually made it out.  One of the boys went all out and bought an enormous round of shots and jaeger bombs for everyone, there was about 10mins straight of just chugging shot after shot with jaeger chasers.  I remember staggerring back towards where we were staying looking up in the air at the tops of buildings trying to recognise which one we were staying in.  I was at the stage where I had to close one eye just to see straight ha ha. 

Needless to say the flight home the next day was pretty bloody torturous but almost everyone there was of the same opinion that it was one of if not the best weekend they ever had.  There was a lot more little stories and highlights but it would take far too long to put it all down and probably not as funny when you don’t know the people involved.

Tambazz - 06 October 2009 08:56 AM

Oh, I best wash the car too, our white car is now brown, can’t even see the back number plate anymore!!!!!!!

Thats not too much of a problem raspberry

My weekend was pretty sweet but it wasnt as packed as yours nels. Sunday morning, i left home at 6.30 for a bike ride out in the country. We spent the day riding from kyneton to lancefield and then to woodend.
We stopped by the hanging rock and finished the day in a Woodend micro brewery called holsgate which makes amazing brews by the way.
While waiting for the train to arrive, we just downed a few pots and had an amazing dinner at the bar.
And just before we left, I bought a six-pack of six different ales and lagers. What a way to end a day. Im still suffering from soreness everywhere though smile


Made a 4.5hour trip in 7 hours because the baby was crying and making us stop about every hour. He needed food, or a diaper change…
It was good though, I expected it and wasnt in a rush at all.
This was the story for the ride back home. He slept for longer intervals on the ride to our destination to visit family.
It was a good weekend.

I drank some coffee too.


nthbeachesguy, your first pic would be such a perfect corona ad….

snowslider - 07 October 2009 04:20 AM

I drank some coffee too.

Mmmmmmmm coffee, I love coffee.


Some of the other pics from that weekend would make awesome Alcoholics Anonymous ads ha ha ha ha!