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How to be Aussie.


To be a real aussie you have to learn how to tame the dreaded drop bear…

Otherwise your face might get ripped off if ur in the outbak.


To be Australia these days you need to whinge more then the poms about how hard it is to live here and how much it costs but at the same time be certain we are being over run by the unknown hordes who want our utopia. Thats the impression I get from the papers and the tv anyway. funny thing is I don’t meet many people like that and I definitely don’t meet many people that agree with Pauline Hanson.


You must mean the Pauline Hanson the media portrays.


Drink nuthing but slabs of VB…........


As far as I’m concerned the media demonised her out of politics, she didn’t really do herself any favours and was a very bad choice for leadership for what could have become a new power in Australian politics.  I think the big two parties (or three, maybe four depending upon how you look at it) recognised this and were quick to utilise the media to sling mud at her and discredit her, making it appear as though you were massively racist if you agreed with anything she said.  Have a go at Geert Wilders the dutch politician, he seems to have more brains but probably a more radical view then Pauline but has a lot of support over there, he’s gotten himself on a lot of muslim hit lists though.

Unfortunately these days being Australian also involves not speaking your mind for fear of being labelled any of the ‘isms’ the PC crowd have made taboo.

spaz - 07 July 2011 01:58 PM

You must mean the Pauline Hanson the media portrays.

I actually met Pauline Hanson at Marconi soccer stadium of all places. she was friendly and polite but came across as highly uneducated and/or unintelligent. not that, that means she can’t have an opinion, I just happened to disagree with a lot of them.


Looking back at that Aussies that I’ve met:
Care free attitude, low stress, a good sense of humor, willing to try new things, but not afraid to speak their mind.
Not overly opinionated (but anyone can be)
It is hard to characterize what an Aussie is and isnt. There are stereo types I guess, there always will be.

I like in that “southern USA” area which got tagged as stereotypically racist in previous posts. Sadly I have to agree that is common, but I’d hate to be thrown in that category myself.


your not australian if you dont have a corked hat, dont wear thongs year round dont year bluey singlets year round or stubby shorts or drinkanything other than vb tinnys, hahaha

i think we like to pretend we do all these things to play the stereotype up.

now im going to do some mainys in my lj torry whilst cranking the shit out of some accca daccca.

throw a shrimp on the bar b you pack of mongrels hahah



What about this Alf Stewart, not quite the same but I just about lost all control over my body I laughed so hard the first time I saw this and some of the others.






How to be an Aussie? Well, it depends on where you are. where I grew up, it was this:
1) Stick by your mates. Yes, some of them are probably knobs, and if you met them today you may not like them, but when they know your parents and have shared ten or more years of friendship, you’re stuck with them. That means backing them up when they shoot their mouth off, offering them a drink when their girlfriend dumps them and taunting them mercilessly when your football team beats theirs.
In return, they’ll do the same for you.
2) Pick a football team. In 3/4 of the country, that is AFL. If you live on the coast of NSW or some of Queensland, it’s probably NRL. Whichever code you follow, you must support your team regardless of how terrible they are, and form a largely negative opinion of the rival code, despite not really knowing anything aobut the sport. Note though, it is perfectly acceptable to like Soccer, as long as you call it such, and are right to do so as AFL is an older football code than Soccer, and as such has the right to use the name (first rules established in 1858 for the VFL -AFL’s precursor- , 1863 for Association football) You cannot, under any circumstances change teams. Ever.
3) Be angry with the government. Despite having little to no involvement in politics or any intention to help the problem you are complaining about, have some simple solution that you believe that the few thousand politicians have not thought of.
4) Barbeque. This is an integral part of the Australian Summer. Get a hotplate, heated with a naked flame (preferably by coals, but gas flame is acceptable) Add in desired cuts of meat, usually Lamb,but chicken or beef is fine. Often sausages or rissoles (also known as “meatballs”) are added. Salads and bread are also part of it, but it largely revolves around the meat.
Vegetarians exist in Australia, but they are not allowed to vote and are locked up in basements across the country.
5) Know the ANZAC story. True, this also includes New Zealanders (call them Kiwis) but when recalling the exploits of our heroic armed forces who bled side by side it is acceptable (required even) to respect our neighbours across the tasman.
6) Give England a hard time. They found a place with golden beaches, great weather and wide open spaces and sent their crims there. Kind of like punishing your teenage son for looking up porn by buying him an unlimited pass to the local brothel. They also make up sports that we (usually) beat them at.
7) Embrace multiculturalism. Yes, Australia has a racist reputation, yet people are employed regardless of race, they can go anywhere, own anything and marry anyone they wish. A typical Aussie likes his “Barbies” but is also equally happy to tuck in to a curry, a pizza, a Souvlaki or some dumplings. In a strange cultural twist, the most racist Australian is exceptional in their attitudes. They may state that “All -insert race- are -insert negative stereotype-” another may reply “What about -whoever- from the footy team? He’s one of them.” To which they’ll reply “Oh, he’s a top bloke, I mean the other ones.” It’s stupid and ignorant, but largely harmless.
8) Pull your head in. For the most part, Australians will form opinions of others based on their character. Bragging about your wealth, breeding or titles will not help this, and will probably hurt it.
9) Give a crap. Australians send a lot of foreign and domestic charity and aid when disasters happened. Wether it’s floods in Sri Lanka, quakes in Nz or Japan, or fires in the US, there will be Australian money and Australian volunteers on the ground.
10) Relax. Don’t take things so seriously. Just because an Aussie is teasing you, doesn’t mean he dislikes you, and it is probably the opposite.

That’s what I can recall anyway.


Spot on Koz!!!!!  shaka

Ya forgot to say, when makin a point, get straight to it and don’t ramble on (#2), ya flamin galah!!!!! (#10)  wink


I have tried everything to post a video but cannot for some reason. This is classic aussie show. . .


an amusing read…except aussies can’t marry anyone they want….not yet anyway!