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snow picture from this dump


My friend working down at the snow put this up…..bastard
he said it cleared up and he got freshies all arvo to


what…the hell.

oh no im feeling sick, i may have to leave work


I have to wait 1 more week till I get to go :(... Prolly all ice by then.


This storm system was insane. I’m stoked for anyone who got to ride but very jealous at the same time.


Wishing so bad that I was going this weekend but got a passport interview tomorrow and I don’t like going on Sundays, im too tired come Monday!


mate sent me a photo from perisher this morning. the doorway leading into the manor/bar was like a big quarterpipe of snow from the ground up to the roof! You would have had to dig your way in if you were staying there or wanted a drink!


OMG yes I want to be there NOWWWW


i was there since monday at perisher and it was soo good, but very windy but still soo much fun!! my bank account is hurting tho taking all these days off work tho lol


Shitttttttttttttttttttttt thats mad shaka