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I’m going to be an uncle :)


Just wanted to share the happy news with everyone. My little sister is having her first baby!

I’m very happy for her, Adam (her husband), and our entire family.  grin

Can’t wait to get that kid on a snowboard!


Congrats to you and them! I became an Aunty a few years ago but unfortunately my brother is distant and I never get to see my neice :’-(

But in saying that, Darkclouds sister is about to have a baby so once we are married I will be an Aunty again. She is having a boy and she already knows he will be a speed demon on a board in no time!


Thank you, Bliz. smile


congrats mate!!!


Congrats to everyone involved smile

Know if it’s a boy or girl yet?


Congrats mate! dance


Congrats that’s great news.
Lil shredder for sure!


congrats mate! cant wait to see you bring the kid to the shred 2020!


Congrats to your whole family Jez, nothing better than another member to the family cheese

Heres something for you to think about, (coming from me who has five nephews and four nieces (not to mention all my cousins kids that call me Uncle Azz)

When a child arrives in this world, it knows nothing (well crying, pooping, eating and sleeping) I learned that you can pretty much teach them anything !!!

for example Up is Down, left is right, red is blue.

They are just an empty vessel, waiting to be filled with information, regardless of whether or not it has any truth to it !!!!!

It is the best thing to teach young one this stuff and then watch and laugh as their parents tell them otherwise. Kids don’t believe parents over Uncle Azz, cause he is the cool one doing all the rad stuff with them, climbing trees, going skateboarding, snowboarding, letting them jump off the jetty into the river etc etc etc.
Not the one making them eat vege’s and all that dodgy stuff.

Mind you, don’t EVER do it with your own kids, it would seem there are laws against this   rolleyes

I quite often pick my niece up from kinder and the first stop we make is the General store, where I tell Miss 4, you can have one of whatever lolly you want.
It is truly amazing to see how much mess a little dude can make with a family block of chocolate big surprise

It is also quite scary to feel the wrath of my sister when she comes around to pick the little dude up !!!!


Congrats mate!!!!!

Tell them that I wont mind if they name him/her after me!!!!!

After all “Mizu” is such a manly name, yet once in the right dress can be so elegantly feminine as well!!!!!


Well that didn’t take you long to spread on BW Jeremy!

I already have a niece and nephew but this little one is going to be very naughty with Jeremy around.

It’s going to be exciting once it’s born.  grin


Congrats, guys! Auntydom is wicked fun. Enjoy them while you can give them back grin


Thank you very much, guys!  cool smile

That’s awesome advice, Azz. Michelle and I have already decided we will get my sister’s kids all pepped up on sugar when we baby sit. Hehe.  smirk


No sugar thanks Jezza. If it’s anything like us, it’s already going to be hyperactive wink


Lollies, chocolate, and lots of red cordial…  evil

rider26 - 08 July 2011 07:43 AM

Lollies, chocolate, and lots of STRAIGHT red cordial…  evil

Double evil