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How to be Aussie.

worldtripper - 02 July 2009 11:11 AM

Okay, what do you reckon would be the national symbol of OZ, if you were to pick just one?
Foster’s beer.

i think fosters stopped selling in Oz in the 1980s

its that crap, kinda like bud, we export it wink

now give me a quality mexican brew (mexican from mexico, not mexican from Vic)

Mizu Kuma - 06 July 2011 10:09 PM

Stone the crows, dragon!!!!! Lend a bloke a roo one time, forget to tie it up at the pub, and he’s all over ya like a blue arse fly!!!!!

Strewth mate!!!!!



What is being Australian ive noticed people saying listen to men at work, midnight oil ect ect, but i dont think this is relevant anymore not with the american savvy pop culture that inflitrated our shores, i mean you cant take anything for real what midnight oil were singing about in the early 80’s anymore have a look at all the blunders Peter Garrett has had in government form the debacles of the Home Insulation Program and repeated scrapping and suspension of solar programs.
just look at the Papers headlines this week, from risque racism with the whole burqa laws being put into place to the boat people ect ect. I wish we could go back to the typical aussie coloquial days but they are long gone. we are too multi cultural and i believe any identity australians did have is being out breed. I think our identity is truly changing from the typical barbies, beers, v8 holden fords, fibro homes in the suburbs and sprinklers on the lawns with kids running through them, Sorry to bring a dark spin to this topic but i think to pretend everything is rosey about this country is pointless
Dont get me wrong i LOVE australia and i wouldnt of devoted 7 years of my life to the Defence force (army).

But that enough of the bullshit im probably just disgruntled that the blues lost the sixth origin series in a row

Time for the beers pies and some emu wrangling hahah


While Garret sold his soul to join the circus, I still crank the Oils on a regular basis!!!!!

We still call each other “Wog” and “Skippy” at work, and I definitely enjoy a meat pie on a regular basis!!!!!

If we continue to be able to laugh at ourselves, enjoy a beer and yet still treat each other with the respect that true mates would, then we will never lose that little somethin that it is to be an Aussie!!!!!





That’s only in the city’s Suka.

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and all the outskirts of those places aren’t what Aussie is. They might have the greater numbers but don’t represent what our soul is.

Aussies are are racist bunch - but we love black fellas, slants and wogs the same way we love our mates. We are multicultural because we admire the differences in each other, we expect that each culture can laugh at the differences while we laugh at ourselves, while we take the micky out of em. If anyone gets over defensive they aren’t Aussie and will be given a harder time.

To be Aussie is to laugh at the differences and to cut down the tall poppy.


yeah spot on spaz, why do we often find our selfs being called a racist nation then. I cant figure it out, out of my mates there is south americans lebanese, thai, indians, south africans, islanders, anglo saxons, iltalians, greeks and im talking about all my close mates hahah we are a complete mixed bag, we love bbqs beers and beats


this ‘we can laugh at ourselves’ keeps coming up… is this a unique aussie trait?


We are called racist because we refuse to be Politically Correct.

If you have Greek or Italian heritage your a wog, asian=slant (or whatever), euro=skip, Aboriginal=black fella, middle east=towely.. the list goes on. <they are all Aussie if they can identify themselves.
It’s because we rejoice in differences and admire the strengths whatever your race may be.

The media are not Aussie! Who of you don’t have the same view as Pauline Hanson? But the media run her down so bad. We aren’t afraid to say “my neighbour is a slant but he loves his steak BBQ’d on Sunday with a beer” or “the curry munchers next door’s cat stew smells good”. We say it out of love, we welcome different people into our homes to find out what they are like. If we were a public figure the media would destroy us.

We are not Southern States USA racist. We call a spade a spade, a gay gentleman a homo, our best mate me bum chum. And we want them in our community to laugh at and for them to laugh at us.

Aussie do whatever they do very well. Because at the end of the day if we don’t “give it a go” your not a true Aussie - whether your pushin a plough or milkin a cow, drinkin a beer or kissin a queer you gotta give it all you can. THATS AUSSIE proud and true.

spaz - 07 July 2011 04:52 AM

Because at the end of the day if we don’t “give it a go” your not a true Aussie - whether your pushin a plough or milkin a cow, drinkin a beer or kissin a queer you gotta give it all you can. THATS AUSSIE proud and true.

HAHAHA drinking beer or kissin queer that is classic


I dont know where to start on this topic but a good place to start is that we are not muslim and we do not practice sharia law.  By definition an Aussie can take the piss and can have the piss taken out of them and still laugh about it, anyone that can’t do that can go jump.  We don’t need ppl who take themselves too seriously.  A cartoon featuring jesus, the pope or other religious minister wouldn’t raise an eyebrow, try that with the prophet muhammed.

I’m going to leave it at that, I’ve had a bad day and have written things and deleted them 3 times now as my bad mood is making type things I probably shouldn’t.

Caboose - 06 July 2011 10:56 PM
worldtripper - 02 July 2009 11:11 AM

Okay, what do you reckon would be the national symbol of OZ, if you were to pick just one?
Foster’s beer.

i think fosters stopped selling in Oz in the 1980s

its that crap, kinda like bud, we export it wink

now give me a quality mexican brew (mexican from mexico, not mexican from Vic)

Does anyone like crown lager? You like fosters. . .  But hey I like fosters $4 a can at the club I go to in the city, not bad. would prefer a VB though


I don’t agree with Pauline Hanson’s views and never will spaz!!!!! She is a racist!!!!

She wouldn’t like to have a beer with Harry Ling around the sunday barbie, because she thinks that he is gonna take over the world!!!!!

You’ll find characters from all nations around the world that now reside in Australia, and sometimes what makes them so very uniquely Aussie is that they have a mixed culture with a predominantly Aussie sense of humour!!!!!

Political correctness is a sad element of our society these days. because it is taking away the very individual trait that makes our country the best place on the planet to live!!!!!

We realized this when Harry Connick Jnr had a hissy fit over a Michael Jackson skit on Red Faces!!!!! I did like Harry, but from that moment on I thought less of him because of his derogatory opinion of what makes us unique in this world of hatred and misery!!!!!

My rant for the day!!!!! You pack of dirty mongrels!!!!!


funny you should mention that harry conick incident mizu coz now the yanks are up in arms with chris lileys character S.mouse hahah, i dont think the world get us aussies haha we are definately a unique bunch,


That’s right Sukah!!!!!

They also thought that The Castle was a doco!!!!! Hahahahahaaa!!!!!