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Local wildlife


Think this was the little guy Rider had in his backyard in Whistler 2 weeks ago.


Cool pic darb!!!!!

How close did ya get to him????


Nice shot! Where was that taken?


This was just outside Whistler at the little rock park.  We sat and watched him from about 100 yards, this is zoomed in with my 70-200 f4 L.  I have a few more photos of him I will put up soon.  We saw 3 bears this day but only got to stop and watch this guy.  Im going to head today and see if I cant find some more good wildlife to capture.


run ..


nice shot…but seriously… run.


Thought that I’d add a wildlife shot from my first DSLR on here!!!!!

One of the crew that inspired me to get a camera in the first place, and yet might not be the best but it bein my first, so this ones for you darb!!!!!  shaka


Looks good Mizu cool smile


Cheers Warren!!!!!


Love those Mizu!!!! Lots of wild critters in this country that stole my heart, but def love the colorful birds- even made friends with some of them
I caught this fellow with a piece of apple

but then we spoke, and contempated


bUT IN THE END .. DECIDED Mizu’s pics were very good, as its hard to get up close good, and wehave decided to lay low.  for now.


I miss Darb, I’ve got random pics of wildlife I think he could have done better- I will withhold those, as Dragons little tribute, sorry kindof downer downer , move along now, post as you will !!!!


Thanks dragon!!!!!

They are a pair of Rainbow Lorikeets that I have been feeding on my back verandah for the last two days!!!!! The wood that ya see is the box that has held many a critter over the years!!!!!

One of these guys took the food from my hand, but the other one was a little shy!!!!! The friendly one mentioned somethin about a world domination bid too, but I just thought he was actin like a bit of a pelican, so I told him to wake up and be a parrot!!!!!

This pic is of Mrs Mizu feedin one of the possum clan that knocks on the back door every night!!!!!


Can I just stop and say aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


The one in that pic also lets ya scratch him behind the ears!!!!! He loves it!!!!!


video proof cool hmm

tongue rolleye


A Satin Bowerbird in the backyard is worth two in the bush!!!!!

Kookaburra sits in my old gum tree!!!!!