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Spaz is stuck!

Azz - 29 June 2011 08:08 AM

and please tell me what automobile you care to drive around in?

Notice that he still hasn’t replied to ya Azz!!!!!!

Warren has forgot to mention that not only doesn’t he own a car, he hasn’t got a licence!!!!!! Hahahahahahaaa!!!!!


Sorry to hear all that ‘fun’ Spaz… Hope things get fixed and you get back to Thredbo in no time. At least it all happened in Canberra and not somewhere like Bredbo!

blizzard_22 - 29 June 2011 11:47 AM

Sorry to hear all that ‘fun’ Spaz… Hope things get fixed and you get back to Thredbo in no time. At least it all happened in Canberra and not somewhere like Bredbo!

Hahaha, guess where spaz was and what had happened to his car the first time we “met” in person….................. Bredbo and broken down LOL

Mizu Kuma - 29 June 2011 11:39 AM
Azz - 29 June 2011 08:08 AM

and please tell me what automobile you care to drive around in?

Notice that he still hasn’t replied to ya Azz!!!!!!

Warren has forgot to mention that not only doesn’t he own a car, he hasn’t got a licence!!!!!! Hahahahahahaaa!!!!!

What a hobo LOL

Warren Chapstick - 29 June 2011 07:32 AM

Hahahahaha thats so shit spaz….

Now get a decent car that goes lol

least his got his license 2 drive warren hmmm


Warren probable doesn’t like Apple products either. I wonder what he thinks of Porsche?

The was much fortune within the misfortune. Location, time of day, getting hold of that tow truck driver (he charged $200 less than anyone else).

Mizu Kuma - 29 June 2011 11:39 AM
Azz - 29 June 2011 08:08 AM

and please tell me what automobile you care to drive around in?

Notice that he still hasn’t replied to ya Azz!!!!!!

Warren has forgot to mention that not only doesn’t he own a car, he hasn’t got a licence!!!!!! Hahahahahahaaa!!!!!

He probably hangs out with his girlfriends dad and thinks GoPro is boss.

spaz - 29 June 2011 09:02 PM
Mizu Kuma - 29 June 2011 11:39 AM
Azz - 29 June 2011 08:08 AM

and please tell me what automobile you care to drive around in?

Notice that he still hasn’t replied to ya Azz!!!!!!

Warren has forgot to mention that not only doesn’t he own a car, he hasn’t got a licence!!!!!! Hahahahahahaaa!!!!!

He probably hangs out with his girlfriends dad and thinks GoPro is boss.


Azz - 29 June 2011 12:30 PM
blizzard_22 - 29 June 2011 11:47 AM

Sorry to hear all that ‘fun’ Spaz… Hope things get fixed and you get back to Thredbo in no time. At least it all happened in Canberra and not somewhere like Bredbo!

Hahaha, guess where spaz was and what had happened to his car the first time we “met” in person….................. Bredbo and broken down LOL

No way!

spaz - 29 June 2011 09:00 PM

Warren probable doesn’t like Apple products either. I wonder what he thinks of Porsche?

I myself personally think porche are sh!t*


*for the price you pay there are at least 3-4 better cars with out the pretnetious “i own a porche” mentality

my ceo owns a porche panamara? or whatever its called. the stupid looking 4 door one. i may hate porche, so you can say im biased, but this thing is ugly as sh!t. if your going to get a “sports” car, dont get a 4 door crime against humanity looking car.

The only porche i do like that is road legal is the cayenne turbo (im not going to mention gt3 cause its prohibitively expensive)

blizzard_22 - 30 June 2011 03:42 AM
Azz - 29 June 2011 12:30 PM
blizzard_22 - 29 June 2011 11:47 AM

Sorry to hear all that ‘fun’ Spaz… Hope things get fixed and you get back to Thredbo in no time. At least it all happened in Canberra and not somewhere like Bredbo!

Hahaha, guess where spaz was and what had happened to his car the first time we “met” in person….................. Bredbo and broken down LOL

No way!

Yes way! I thought you must have read about it at sometime.

Where is the photo Azz?

Azz - 29 June 2011 12:32 PM
Mizu Kuma - 29 June 2011 11:39 AM
Azz - 29 June 2011 08:08 AM

and please tell me what automobile you care to drive around in?

Notice that he still hasn’t replied to ya Azz!!!!!!

Warren has forgot to mention that not only doesn’t he own a car, he hasn’t got a licence!!!!!! Hahahahahahaaa!!!!!

What a hobo LOL

Yes i know im a hobo, i drink VB and wear a flano everyway with a durie in my mouth….  smirk


He probably hangs out with his girlfriends dad and thinks GoPro is boss.


Hey Spaz how the hell do you know that me old man has a girlfriend???  smirk

Have you and TJ been trying to find him on facebook LOL  or lurking around his house at night hmmm

deanobruce - 30 June 2011 05:23 AM
spaz - 29 June 2011 09:00 PM

Warren probable doesn’t like Apple products either. I wonder what he thinks of Porsche?

I myself personally think porche are sh!t*


*for the price you pay there are at least 3-4 better cars with out the pretnetious “i own a porche” mentality

my ceo owns a porche panamara? or whatever its called. the stupid looking 4 door one. i may hate porche, so you can say im biased, but this thing is ugly as sh!t. if your going to get a “sports” car, dont get a 4 door crime against humanity looking car.

The only porche i do like that is road legal is the cayenne turbo (im not going to mention gt3 cause its prohibitively expensive)

I somewhat agree deano.
Your CEO is stupid to want that car.
A Porsche is a 911 (or varient of the 911 like the cayenne or GT3). What your CEO wants is not a sports car or a real Porsche.

A porsche is after all a beetle with 2 extra cylinders and a pretentious badge. Ferdinand Porsche designed the first beetle BTW.
Hence the engine I have in my VW was designed by porsche in the 70’s, only built to have more power and better precision by a great engine builder using 2009 technology.

For the pretentious/supercar fans a Porsche is more practical than Ferrari etc
They are a brilliant design that hasn’t changed the basic set up for almost a century.
Love or hate Porsche 911/VW type 1,2,3,4 they are a great car and design.

This is a 356. It is both a VW and a Porsche

The race version is the car James Dean died in.


He probably hangs out with his girlfriends dad and thinks GoPro is boss.

As opposed to living with ya mum and wearing tutu’s….