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Which goggles?


i bought myself a pair of electric eg 2.5 goggles n there great… havent had problems with them fogging up, and what i love the most about them is how much u can see… the only problem with them is u dont get that extra lens but its not 2 expensive buying another lens


Personally I’m all about Dragon goggles. I’ve tried all sort of gogs but I always end up buying dragons cause they fit me the best and have sweet designs. Also Dragon DX’s are pretty cheap and come with 2 lenses so your ready for any condition. I’ve worked 7 seasons and have only needed 3 pairs, and I’m still using 2 of them. I’ve had 2 DX’s and my new ones are Rogues, and I put a clear lense in my second DX’s and they are now my mountain bike gogs.

Go with what ever fits you best and bring your helmet along to try them with (if u have a helmet)
If Dragons do fit you then I recommend them for sure.
I think Electrics are really cool too but they don’t fit me.
Happy Shopping

T-Spec - 29 June 2011 01:43 PM
Sukah - 29 June 2011 06:30 AM

Does anyone else on here have any experience with wearing there prescription glasses underneath the goggles?? a guy at the local ski shop said to get contacts but i aint never had contacts and dont know if i could be effed mucking around with them, so basically does any one know if there are any good goggles that will fit over my specks. hard question to answer i know?

Hey Sukah,

I was in a similar situation to you, but now I predominantly where contacts.

On occasion I’ve had to wear my glasses under my goggles (I forgot to pack them in my bags to the snow :( )
I must say I’ve never had any major issues with glasses as some have previously mentioned, the EG2 is massive!
It really depends on the style of your glasses too, you may have more problems if your glasses have thick frames or wide arms.
If they’re relatively thin I don’t envisage there being too many dramas…

If you intend on wearing glasses predominantly rather than getting contacts, goggles designed specifically for glasses may be the go. However, just pop into your local store and try them over your glasses to see how they fit..

cheers matey, my glasses are pretty slimline so by the sounds of things shouldn’t be to much of an issue. im gunna go specksavers on weekend they have some deal going atm with contact trials if they feel good and i can manage to get them in (haha) i might just roll with them and take my specticles as a precaution.


Off topic: we have 22 sets of Dragon goggles to give away this season. All different models (D1XT, DX, DXS, Rogue, Mace). They look so rad!


MMMM… how are these said goggles going to be given away, i can do good tricks in return for prizes. hahaha


If you win any of the Boardworld contests, including any of the monthly member prizes, you can pick whatever prize you want. We have everything from snowboards, to backpacks, to headphones. Win a contest and the goggles are yours. smile


cool. time to get creative!!!

blizzard_22 - 29 June 2011 09:39 AM

I wear Oakley A Frames (wintermint splatter, so pretty!) and I love em. So comfortable, with or without a helmet and have not fogged once!

I’m gonna have to second this recommendation. I bought a pair of Oakley A-frames a couple years ago on a sale for $80 (down from $250) and I haven’t had any issues with visibility or fogging in the past couple years (even including a couple overseas trips!). I decided this season to try something new and bought a pair of Dragon Mace goggles, did a couple days with them but it just didn’t compare (fit and visibility-wise) so now I’m selling them off.

Though in saying this, I’ve heard good things about the EG2’s as well, and they come in better looking colours/designs than the Oakley’s. Depends what you’re after I guess.

thinkerthought - 03 July 2011 02:41 AM

Though in saying this, I’ve heard good things about the EG2’s as well, and they come in better looking colours/designs than the Oakley’s. Depends what you’re after I guess.

Haha I love my EG2’s . They totally look like fighter pilots goggles - add that to a helmet and you’ve got an unlimited number of “Goose” & “Maverick” jokes all day!