The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
Spaz it took us 2 hours exactly from the second last round about in Canberra.
Hey bliz, what were you wearing? You might of seen me hitting the medium box Green/Blue/Black.
Learning my FS nose slides!
Also, we came from Jindy on our way back to Sydney so cant tell you travel distance/time sorry.
Is anyone heading down in the next few weeks and keen for a catch up? My mate wants to take his wife there for beginners lessons and we want to spend more time on the medium park practicing rails and boxes.
I might be there 16th/17th weekend - hopefully they’ll have a jump built by then…then I’m going to NZ for 2 weeks so next weekend will probably be 13th august maybe? Might be our pirate weekend for the year??
Oh cool, i have a feeling thats when my mate wants to go down for another session. Definately need to sort out this jump business.
Feel like giving me some park lessons cords? :D
Awesome update jason.
How long does it take to get to Selwyn from the Manaro hwy?
Dan the offer is (kind of) still there, I made that when I had a different place - which fell through when my flatmate had to stay overseas.
I’ve had to take on a place twice the price so if you plan to stay more than a night a small donation would be appreciated but if all you have is food and drink that will do. I also have access to secure parking less than 5min walk away (you don’t get to use my parking space). It is a long way from Selwyn though!!!
Hahaha yeah I think it’s probably not the right thread, but oh well…
Cool thanks for the info mate. I will definitely keep it in mind and PM you if I’m thinking about coming down.
Hahaha yeah I think it’s probably not the right thread, but oh well…
I was only takin the piss Dan!!!!! So unlike me I know!!!!!
haha if only I was in any kind of position to give lessons to anyone! I’m embarrassingly bad! That us in the pirates video at the start of this thread (if you hadn’t gathered that already!) - we ain’t much good but we have heaps of fun!
Hey bliz, what were you wearing? You might of seen me hitting the medium box
Learning my FS nose slides!.
In my traditional blue jacket green pants! My better half was in red and blue striped jacket blue pants. Mainly taking the 3 seater up and coming down Home Run.
haha if only I was in any kind of position to give lessons to anyone! I’m embarrassingly bad! That us in the pirates video at the start of this thread (if you hadn’t gathered that already!) - we ain’t much good but we have heaps of fun!
Well, make sure you update this thread with when you’re going and i’ll see what i can do to uphold your crews imagine of horrible park style :D
jason2233 just a random stab and off topic but are you from engadine??
Sure am mate. Heights.
What about you?
Jannali haha seen the 2233 and was like yeah definately another shire boy haha
Small world… So lets road trip down down south :D
haha ill be going down in august 11th- 14th, and then hopefully quite a few more trips after that
yeah selwyn is neat cos the turn-off is not long out of cooma, so its cooma for brekky/fuel, Its about another hour and a bit from the turn off, if I remember rightly, to selwyn. Selwyn is also good cos the food they sell is relatively cheap. they even had a burger last year called “the cheapo” for about $4 and it was just chips and gravy on a bun! haha
they should pay you to eat that.