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Spaz is stuck!


Oh no! What a day!
I made it as far as Fishwick.
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos


What happened????

Did you stop for Porno’s and Fireworks again!!!!!


Ohhh bummer, mate. That’s not good.  shut eye

Mizu…  LOL


enjoy the towing bill!


Hahahahaha thats so shit spaz….

Now get a decent car that goes lol


Hey !!! ^^^^^^ Watch it warren, VW’s are the best !!!  cool mad


I’m sorry Azz i didn’t mean that, i’ve had a few red cordials today so im sorry….

But im putting this out there i dont like VW’s cause there shit LOL


and please tell me what automobile you care to drive around in?


What happened?! I work around Fyshwick too, should paid more attention, might have seen ya!


wow blizzard so do i, i work in the dfo center - JB HI-FI its the easiest job around!!

also bad luck azz but such a sweet car

Rick0889 - 29 June 2011 08:58 AM

wow blizzard so do i, i work in the dfo center - JB HI-FI its the easiest job around!!

also bad luck azz but such a sweet car

Thats spaz’s car mate smile

Rick0889 - 29 June 2011 08:58 AM

wow blizzard so do i, i work in the dfo center - JB HI-FI its the easiest job around!!

Haha my cousin use to work there. Im in Symonston, ahhh public service LOL

tjswish - 29 June 2011 09:02 AM
Rick0889 - 29 June 2011 08:58 AM

wow blizzard so do i, i work in the dfo center - JB HI-FI its the easiest job around!!

also bad luck azz but such a sweet car

Thats spaz’s car mate smile

haha my bad

blizzard_22 - 29 June 2011 09:10 AM
Rick0889 - 29 June 2011 08:58 AM

wow blizzard so do i, i work in the dfo center - JB HI-FI its the easiest job around!!

Haha my cousin use to work there. Im in Symonston, ahhh public service LOL

whats ur cousins name??


I just got home, turned on the lappy and laid down on my bed. I started this post somewhere in the ACT on my phone. Somewhere that had The Oyster Tavern! (think police academy)

Here’s the story….

Over a month ago, before winter started I thought it would be a good idea to get my VW looked over before doing what I did to it last year; driving 50,000km June-Sept.
It has a $10,000 race engine in it and deserves some attention from it’s builder (highly awarded show/race car builder Wayne Penrose)

Turned out I had been driving a little too “enthusiastically” last year (I wont go into detail of my law breaking exploits - all I will say is only an air cooled VW could survive what I put it through)

During the “service” (ok; half re-build) I had been using mums car which I had to return to her last week (only I nicked it for Tj and my little trip shaka )

The last few days

Mechanic expects car to be ready on Thursday each time he removes something bigger problems are revealed this continues…
I rush to finish what I can of the panel work I had done and tell mechanic I wont need it until Monday night.
On Saturday I was on my way down to put the (black) painted panel on when I was pulled over by a cop, mums car had run out of rego while I was in Thredbo, I didn’t know - big fine!
Monday - athletics carnival, I get panel on before carnival starts, mechanic believes car will be finished that arvo at 3pm mechanic had to go to his daughters performance (fair enough) - but not finished.
Tuesday (yesterday) 8:30am get phone call and find out big problem with axel seals leaking oil. I get down there by 11am and start pulling apart axel seals while he finishes oil cooler relocation, his daughter has another performance at 2pm and his son needs picking up from airport at 5pm. I continue working…

Get car going at midnight sounding sweet! Driving unreal.

1am back to mums to put on front bumper that has the spot lights and put all my car stuff back in then pack gear I need in Thredbo.
By the time I’m ready to leave it’s 3am

Cruise, like really cruisen - down the freeway, rocking and rolling.
At 5:30am(ish) the lack of sleep is getting to me and I stop and put fuel in at Eagle Hawk. The car is running so well that after 2.5hrs the temperature (measured with my new IR temp gun) isn’t over 90 degree due to the new oil system - at this temp it’s just enough to switch oil flow to the oil cooler. Fuel consumption is epic!!!! 8L/100km travelling at 75mph (120km/h)

Eagle Hawk - Canberra airport isn’t far and I stop to get a coffe as I don’t feel like falling a sleep anymore. At this rate I’ll make first lifts!
I pull away from Maccas, at roundabout pause for a few swigs then try to drive but just here a loud crunching.

I push it off the road into the car park. Do my checks and realise I don’t have the tool I need.
Call NRMA, they arrive 20min later. He has the tool and we discover axel nuts are loose. Tightening them doesn’t fix issue.
Tow truck arrives at 7am.
Dropped to “Beetle Exchange” in Fishwick. No one at the Beetle Exchange are willing to help diagnose problem when they open at 8am. No-one!!!! They wont even come to listen to the noise or offer a suggestion where I might buy the parts I suspect maybe needed.

I go lay down and get 20min sleep.

Phone mechanic in the ‘gong he makes great effort to diagnose prob over the phone then gives me the numbers of all possible Canberra locations that might have the parts.

I get on the phone but none have what I need.

Owner of Beetle Exchange arrives and finally I get a VW enthusiast, he spends 30mins helping me then gives me some workshop space where I can get my hands dirty. After pulling some stuff off it helps narrow down the problem. Owner and the head mechanic soon realise my car isn’t the junka it looks and both get very involved. But no luck!

I start researching and phoning tow services and after a half hour I speak to a familiar voice, it’s the guy who towed me and this same car 5 years ago from Michaelago - Coledale. He was about to tow a Trans-Am to Fishwick and he remembered me. We struck a deal and he picked me up a few hours later.

At 5:30pm drop car in Wollongong. He is going to another job in Gosford and agrees to drop me home to Narellan at no extra cost.


sounds like a crazy day!! hope all is well and next time when you get to canberra keep going haha